Historical–Materialist Policy Analysis and South Africa’s Specific Situation
Structure of the Book
Part 1: South Africa’s Political Economy
Chapter 2: National Context: Contemporary South African Capitalism, the State and its policy
Point of Departure: Economic and Trade Policy during Apartheid (1948–1990)
From RDP to AsgiSA: All about Growth
Black Economic Empowerment
Second Decade: Growth, Industrial and Trade Policy
Economic and Political Turmoil
Chapter 3: Transnational Context: International Trade Relations
South Africa and the WTO
South Africa and BRICS
South Africa in Africa and the Region
South Africa’s Trade Relations with the European Union
Part II: South Africa’s Class Relations in Economic and Trade Policy
Chapter 4: South African Capitalist Classes: from Mining to Agriculture
Mining Capital as the Core of the South African Economy
Manufacturing Capital – Vocal and Organised?
Finance and Banking Capital
Agricultural Capital
Business Representation: Clash of Capital Interests?
Chapter 5: South Africa’s Political Elite and its Political Objectors
The ANC as the Political Elite and its Relation to Workers and Capitalists
The Alliance Partners: the SACP and COSATU
Opposition Parties and their Relation to Capitalist and Popular Classes
Chapter 6: South Africa’s Popular Classes
Working Classes, their Fractions and Representatives
Subaltern Classes beyond Working Class
Chapter 7: South Africa’s Economic State Apparatuses
The Presidency and National Treasury
Department of Trade and Industry and Further Relevant Departments
Parliament and NEDLAC
Beyond the State Apparatus: Trade Policy Related Organisations
Part III: Reconstructing the Process: South Africa’s Classes and the Economic Partnership Agreement
Chapter 8: The EU–SADC EPA: Road Map and Conflicts (2006–2010)
Chapter 9: Class Fractions Perspectives on the Conflicting EPA Issues
Conflicts over Trade in Goods
Conflicts over Trade in Services and Investment
Conflicts over Deep Integration Issues
The (Unspoken) Class Compromise
Chapter 10: Restart of the EU–SADC EPA Negotiation and its Outcome
The Final EPA: Changes in the Relationship of Forces
Why a EU–SADC EPA Agreement?
Chapter 11: Conclusion
Neo-Poulantzian Perspectives on the South African State
The (Non) Future of the New Trade Agenda?
Simone Claar is post-doc researcher at the Working Group Globalization & Politics at the University of Kassel and Senior Policy Advisor for Teacher Education at the German Education Union, Germany. Alongside a previous position as Researcher in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kassel, she worked as a Research Associate at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. Her research interests include capitalism, emerging markets, development and trade, class analysis and the postcolonial state.
This book provides an innovative perspective on class dynamics in South Africa, focussing specifically on how economic and trade policy have shaped the interests of two strands of the South African population. As an emerging market, South African political and economic actions are subject to the attention of international trade policy. Claar provides an in-depth class analysis of the contradictory negotiation processes that occurred between South Africa and the European Union on Economic-Partnership Agreements (EPA), examining the divergent roles played by the political and economic elite, and the working class. The author considers their relationships with the new global trade agenda, as well as their differing standpoints on the EPA.