Dingwall's book, International Law and Corporate Actors in Deep Seabed Mining, addresses the gap in corporate actor obligations...This book is well worthy of academic study and a very enjoyable read. Treating corporations as international actors is under researched in the literature. Yet, corporations are international players and should be given inter- national status, with protections, rights, and obligations. While more useful for practitioners, any
academic studying seabed mining should read this book.
Dr Joanna Dingwall is a public international lawyer, qualified to practice law in Scotland, New York, England and Wales. She lectures international law at the University of Glasgow, School of Law, and she previously taught at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. In addition to her academic career, Dr Dingwall is a lawyer to the Scottish Government concerning legal aspects of Scotland's offshore renewable energy sector, protection of the
marine environment and other law of the sea matters. Previously, she worked as a London-based public international law and international dispute resolution practitioner for several years.