1. A and Others v. Secretary of State for the Home Department; X and Another v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2004] UKHL 56 (House of Lords) [UNITED KINGDOM – ENGLAND]; 2. A and Others v. Secretary of State for the Home Department (No. 2) [2005] UKHL 71 (House of Lords) [UNITED KINGDOM – ENGLAND]; 3. Regina (Al-Jedda) v. Secretary of State for Defence [2005] EWHC 1809 (Admin) (High Court QBD Divisional Court) [2006] EWCA Civ 327 (Court of Appeal) [2007] UKHL 58 (House of Lords); 4. Rumsfeld v. Padilla (US Supreme Court) [UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]; 5. Rasul v. Bush; Al Odah v. United States (US Supreme Court) [UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]; 6. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (US Supreme Court) [UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]; 7. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (Supreme Court) [UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]; 8. Boumediene and Others v. Bush and Others; Al Odah and Others v. United States of America and Others (Nos 05-5062-05-5064; 05-5095-05-5116) (US Court of Appeals) (Supreme Court) [UNITED STATES OF AMERICA].