Volume 1. Preface. Section 1: A Review of the Progress. 1:20 years of ICSEI: The Impact of School Effectiveness and School Improvement on School Reform; T. Townsend. 2: Four Decades of Body-Surfing the Breakers of School Reform: Just Waving, Not Drowning; H. Beare. 3: Generic and Differentiated models of Educational Effectiveness: Implications for the Improvement of Educational Practice; L. Kyriakides. 4: Improving school effectiveness: Retrospective and Prospective; J. MacBeath. 5: School Effectiveness research in Latin America; J. Murillo. 6: 'Effective for What; Effective for Whom?' Two Questions SESI Should Not Ignore I. Bogotch et al. 7: Pursuing the Contextualisation Agenda: Recent progress and future prospects; M.Thrupp et al. Section 2: A World Showcase: School Effectiveness and Improvement from All Corners. The Americas. 8: A quarter century of school effectiveness and improvement research in the United States; C. Teddlie and S. Stringfield. 9: History of the school effectiveness and improvement movement in Canada over the past 25 years; L. Sackney. 10: School Improvement in Latin America: Innovations over 25 years (1980-2006); B. Avalos. Europe. 11: Growing together: School Effectiveness and School Improvement in the UK, L. Stoll and P. Sammons. 12: Educational Effectiveness and Improvement: The development of the field in mainland Europe; B.P.M. Creemers. Asia and the Pacific. 13: School Effectiveness and Improvement in Asia: Three Waves, Nine Trends and Challenges Yin Cheong Cheng and Wai-ming Tam. 14: School effectiveness and improvement in Taiwan; Hui-Ling Wendy Pan. 15: School effectiveness and improvement in Mainland China; Daming Feng. 16: The Maturing of a Movement: Tracking Research, Policy and Practice in Australia; B. Caldwell. 17: Schooling Reform: Reflections on the New Zealand Experience; H. Fancy. Africa and The Middle East. 18: History of the school effectiveness and improvement movementin Africa; B. Fleisch. 19: School Autonomy for School Effectiveness and Improvement: The Case of Israel; A. Volansky. 20: Recent Initiatives in School Effectiveness and Improvement: The Case of Turkey; I. Guven. 21: Recent Initiatives in School Effectiveness and Improvement: The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Azam Azimi. Section 3: Resources, School Effectiveness and Improvement. 22: The relationship between student attainment and school resources, R. Levacic. 23: Accountability, funding and school improvement in Canada; C. Ungerleider and B. Levin. 24: Cost and financing of education and its impact on coverage and quality of services and efficiency and equity in Sub-Saharan African Countries; A. Mingat. 25: Resources and School Effectiveness and Improvement; J. Spinks. Volume 2. Section 4: Accountability and Diversity, School Effectiveness and Improvement. 26: School effectiveness, school improvement and the accountability and standards agenda - a European Survey; D. Reynolds. 27: Evolution of school performance research in the USA: From school effectiveness to school accountability and back; S. Kochan. 28: Education decentralisation and accountability relationships in Latin American and the Caribbean Region; E. di Gropello. 29: Equity, Efficiency and the Development of South African Schools; N. Taylor. 30: Policy Perspective on School Effectiveness and Improvement at the State Level: The Case of South Australia; S. Marshall. 31: Diverse populations and school effectiveness and improvement in the USA; S. Lasky et al. Section 5: Changing Schools Through Strategic Leadership. 32: School Leadership, School Effectiveness and School Improvement: Democratic and Integrative Leadership; L. Moos and S. Huber. 33: Leadership and School Reform Factors; R.J. Marzano. 34: The Emotional Side of School Improvement: A Leadership Perspective; K. Leithwood. 35: Leadership and School Effectiveness and Improvement; H. Silins and B. Mulford. 36: Leadership Development for School