Volume 11 International GAAP 12 The IASB's Conceptual Framework 393 Presentation of financial statements and accounting policies 1094 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations 1875 First-time adoption 2176 Consolidated financial statements 3857 Consolidation procedures and non-controlling interests 4918 Separate and individual financial statements 5719 Business combinations 63310 Business combinations under common control 76111 Investments in associates and joint ventures 80712 Joint arrangements 88713 Disclosure of interests in other entities 94114 Fair value measurement 99515 Foreign exchange 117516 Hyperinflation 124917 Intangible assets 128518 Property, plant and equipment 138119 Investment property 143720 Impairment of fixed assets and goodwill 151121 Capitalisation of borrowing costs 164322 Inventories 1673Index of extracts from financial statements index 1Index of standards index 7Index index 111The lists of chapters in volumes 2 and 3 follow overleaf.Volume 223 Leases 170124 Government grants 182125 Service concession arrangements 184726 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets 192327 Revenue: Introduction and scope 201528 Revenue: Identify the contract and performance obligations 204529 Revenue: Determine and allocate the transaction price 215730 Revenue: Recognition 225331 Revenue: Licences, warranties and contract costs 231332 Revenue: Presentation and disclosure 238733 Income taxes 244134 Share-based payment 262335 Employee benefits 288736 Operating segments 297337 Earnings per share 301738 Events after the reporting period 307139 Related party disclosures 309340 Statement of cash flows 313141 Interim financial reporting 318942 Agriculture 326943 Extractive industries 3325Index of extracts from financial statements index 1Index of standards index 7Index index 111The list of chapters in volume 3 follows overleaf.Volume 344 Financial instruments: Introduction 357145 Financial instruments: Definitions and scope 357946 Financial instruments: Derivatives and embedded derivatives 361547 Financial instruments: Financial liabilities and equity 365748 Financial instruments: Classification 376749 Financial instruments: Recognition and initial measurement 383950 Financial instruments: Subsequent measurement 386551 Financial instruments: Impairment 390552 Financial instruments: Derecognition 407953 Financial instruments: Hedge accounting 417354 Financial instruments: Presentation and disclosure 439955 Insurance contracts (IFRS 4) 452556 Insurance contracts (IFRS 17) 4669Index of extracts from financial statements index 1Index of standards index 7Index index 111
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