ISBN-13: 9780750683852 / Angielski / Miękka / 2007 / 336 str.
ISBN-13: 9780750683852 / Angielski / Miękka / 2007 / 336 str.
The International Dictionary of Hospitality Management is the must have companion for all those working or studying in the field of hospitality management. With over 728 entries, it covers everything you need to know, from a concise definition of back office systems, to management accounting and yield management. It covers all of the relevant issues in the field of hospitality management from both a sectoral level: Lodging; Restaurants and Food service; Time-share; Clubs; Events as well as a functional one: Accounting and Finance; Marketing; Strategic Management; Human Resources; Information Technology; and Facilities Management.An abridged version of the successful International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management, its user friendly layout provides readers with quick and concise answers across this diverse area of industry. This is the ideal companion for all studying or working in the hospitality industry providing thorough and easily digestible solutions. It contains concise definitions for over 700 terms in the field of hospitality management. It features a user-friendly layout that covers all relevant issues in hospitality management from a sectoral as well as functional level.
Average daily rate, Awareness, trial and usage, Back flow prevention, Back of the house in hotels, Back of the house in restaurants, Back office systems, Balance sheet, Baldrige award, Bandwidth, Banquet event order, Bargaining power, Barriers to entry, Barriers to exit, Basic elements of cost, Beliefs and attitudes, Benchmarking, Benchmarking in property management, Benchmarking performance, Biases in consumer decision-making, Biennial timeshare, Bluetooth, Booth, Brand, Branding, Break-even analysis, Breakout sessions, Budget methods, Budget variances, Budgetary controls, Budgetary preparation, Building codes, Building components, Burnout, Business centers, Business environment, Business level strategy, Business management institute, Business process reengineering , Business risk, Capital assets pricing model, Career planning and development, Cash flow, Cash flow statement, Casinos, Centralization, Centralized guestroom HVAC, Chain restaurants, Change management, Characteristics of service, Check out, Cleaning schedule, Clicks and mortar, Club board of directors, Club corporation, Club entertainment, Club fitness programs, Club house, Club management, Club manager certification programs, Club Managers Association of America (CMAA), Club membership categories, Club membership nomination, Club membership process, Club officers, Club professionals, Club reciprocity, Club types, Coaching, Co-branding, Cognitive dissonance, Collective bargaining, Combined heat and power cogeneration , Comfort zone and human comfort, Commercial home, Commitment, Common-size statements, Communication, Comparative statement analysis, Compensation, Competencies, Competency profiling, Competitive advantage, Competitive position, Competitive strategy, Computer , Computer reservation system (CRS), Concept mapping, Concierge, Concurrent sessions, Condominium, Conference, Conference center, Conference plan, Configurations, Confirmed reservation, Conflict, Congress center, Consortium, Constructive dismissal, Consumer buying (decision) process, Consumer rights under the purchaser deposit , Contextual effects in consumer behavior, Contingency theory, Continuous improvement, Contract of employment, Contribution margin, Controllable and non-controllable costs, Controllable costs in foodservice, Convention, Convention & visitors bureau (CVB), Convention catering, Convention center, Convention industry council, Convention service manager, Cook-chill, Cook-freeze, Corporate event market, Corporate evel strategy, Corporate meeting, Cost of goods sold, Cost of sales, Cost strategy, Cost-benefit analysis, Cost-informed pricing methods, Cost-volume-profit analysis, Credit card guarantee, Critical incidents techniques, Critical success factors, Cross selling, Customer centricity, Customer complaint behavior, Customer expectations, Customer lifetime value, Customer loyalty , Customer relationship management in foodservice, Customer relationship marketing/management (CRM), Customer satisfaction, Cycle menus, Daily operations report, Data envelopment analysis, Data mining, Data warehouse , Database marketing, Database systems, Daypart, Decentralized guestroom HVAC, Decision-making, Decision support systems, Deeded timeshare ownership, Departing the guest, Depreciation of fixed assets, Destination management company, Destination management system , Destination marketing, Destination marketing organization (DMO), Developer rights under the purchaser deposit, Deviance, Diffusion models, Dining room turnover, Direct billing, Direct costs, Direct mail marketing, Disciplinary action, Disconfirmation theory, Discrimination, Discriminatory pricing, Dismissal, Distinctive capabilities, Distribution channels, Distribution channels in foodservice, District heating/cooling plants, Diversification, Domain name, Downsizing, Drayage, Duty of care, Earnings per share, Economies of scale, Economies of scope, Efficiency ratios, Eighty six, Eighty-twenty customer pyramid, Electric power purchasing, Electronic commerce, Electronic data interchange (EDI) , Electronic locking systems, Electronic mail, Electronic marketing, Emotional labor, Employee assistance programs (EAP), Employee roientation and mentoring, Employee participation, Employee relations, Employee rules, Employee satisfaction, Employee selection techniques, Employer association, Employment law, Empowerment, Energy management, Energy management system, Enterprise resource planning, Entrepreneurism, Entrepreneurship, Entry strategies, Environmental scanning, Environmental determinism, Environmental management, Environmental management in hotels, Environmental management system (EPS), EProcurement, Equal employment opportunity (EEO), Ergonomics, Evaluative attributes, mEvent operations Manual, Event project management, Evoked set, Exchange company, Executive information systems (EIS), Executive recruiters/head hunters, Exhibit prospectus, Exhibitions, Exhibits, Expenses, Experience economy, Experimentation, Expert systems, Express check-out, External Analysis, Extranet, Facilities engineering, Facilities management, Facilities management association, Facilities operating and capital cost, Fairs, Fast casual, Feasibility Study, Federacion de Desarrolladores Turisticos, Festivals, FIFO, File transfer Protocol (FTP), Financial accounting, Financial leverage, Financial risk, Fire protection, Fire seal, Fire sprinklers, Fixed charges, Fixed costs, Fixed costs in foodservice, Fixed timeshare plan, Flexible working, Float timeshare plan, Focus groups, Folio, Food code , Food borne illness, Forecasting, Forecasting in foodservice/restaurants, Forecasting rooms availability, Forecasting rooms revenue, Fractional, Framing, Franchising, Franchising in restaurants, Free cash flow, Frequent guest programs, Front-of-the house in hotels, Front-of-the house in restaurants, Front office accounting, Front office communications, Front office ledger, Front office operations, Front office organization, Front office Systems, Full-time equivalent (FTE), Furniture fixture and equipment, Game theory, Service quality, Gap model of service quality, Generic strategies, General manager, General session, Global alliance of timeshare Eecellence, Global distribution systems (GDS), Global distribution systems: Development. & major players , Global strategies, Globalization, Glocalization, Golf facilities, Golf professional classification, Golf programs, Golf tournaments, Grease rrap, Green Globe 21, Green power energy purchasing, Gross operating profit, Gross profit and net profit, Gross profit in foodservice, Group reservation, Groups, Guaranteed reservation, Guest cycle, Guest history, Guest history file, Guest operated interfaces, Guest profile, Guest room occupancy sensors, Guest safety, Guestroom floor configuration, HACCP, Hardware-, Haute cuisine ('high cookery'), Health codes, Hearing conservation, Heat detectors, Hi touch-hi tech, Hiring crunch, Homeowners association, Hospitality distribution terms and initials, Hospitality strategic management , Hotel classification, Hotel consortia, Hotel fire fighting team, Hotel income statement, Hotel management contracts and lease , Hotel operating department ratios, Hotel rating systems, Hotel valuation methods, Hotels? accounting and finance terms, Hotels? rate structures, House limit, Housekeeping, Housing process, Human capital, Human resource accounting, Human resource development, Human resource information systems, Human resources management (HRM), HVAC equipment and systems, HVAC loads, Hypertext mark-up language (HTML), ICT and EHospitality, Incentive travel, Independent restaurants, Indirect costs, Indoor air quality, Industrial tribunal, Industry snalysis, Industry life cycle, Information system, In-house computerized reservation system, Integrated information systems, Intelligent agents, Interactive , Interactive television (ITV), Internal analysis, Internal control, Internal marketing, Internal rate of return method, International aspects of financial management, International hotels environment initiative (IHEI), International meeting, Internationalization, Internet, Internet channels, Interval, Intranet, Inventory, Inventory turnover analysis, Invitational tournaments, ISO 14000, ISO 9000, Job analysis, Job specialization, Key control, Kitchen fire suppression system, Knowledge management, Labor costs, Labor employment, Labor turnover, Laddering techniques, Late arrival, Layout and design, Leadership in energy & environmental design (LEED), Leadership, authority, power and control, Learning, Learning environment, Learning organization, Legacy, Legionnaire disease, Les Clefs d'Or, Life cycle costing, Life safety code, Lighting equipment and systems, Limited menus, Liquidity ratios, Local area networks (LAN), Lockoff, Lock-out/tag-out, Loyalty circle, Maintenance fee, Maintenance management, Management accounting, Management contract, Management development, Management information system: Methods & Usage, Management information systems (MIS), Management of change, Management proficiency ratio, Management styles, Manager on duty, Marginal costs, Market penetration, Market saturation, Market segment and customer profitability analysis, Market segmentation in foodservice operations, Market segmentation: Trends and challenges, Market segments in hospitality, Market share , Marketing, Marketing concept, Marketing information systems, Marketing research, Mark-up, Mass customization, mCommerce, Media markets, Meeting, Meeting or event history, Meeting or event planner, Meeting or event timeline, Meeting profile, Menu mix, Menu pricing and calculation, Menu pricing in foodservice, Menu psychology, Merchandising, MICE, Midscale Restaurants, Mini-vacation, Mise en place, Mission statement, Model timeshare act, Model vacation club act, Moments of truth, Motivation, Multi-branding, Multimedia, Multisite timeshare plan, Multi-skilling, Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). , Net present value method, Night audit, No show, Non-controllable expenses, Nouvelle cuisine, Occupancy costs, Occupancy percentage, Occupancy, types of, Occupational safety & health, Off-premise contact, On change Status, On-line booking, On-site foodservice, Operating cash flow, Operating leverage, Operating ratios, Operating system, Organization timeshare Europe, Organizational culture and climate , Organization structure & design, Organizational structures - types of, OSHA, Outsourcing, Outsourcing of business Services, Outsourcing of foodservice, Overbooking, Overstay, Pay & benefits, PBX, Perceived risk, Perceptual mapping, Performance evaluation, Performance indicators, Performance measurement, Performance measures in foodservice/restaurants, Permission marketing, Perpetual Inventory, Personal selling principles, Personalization, Persuasion, Petty cash fund, PGA of America, Physical inventory, Pluralism and unitarism, Point-of-sales (POS), Point-of-sales system, Point-of-purchase promotion(P-O-P), Points system, Portal, Portion control, Portion cost, Positioning, Pre/Post meeting tours, Pre-convention meeting, Precosting, Preventive maintenance, Price customization, Price discrimination, Price earnings ratio, Pricing acronyms, Pricing methods in foodservice/restaurants, Pricing practices in hospitality/tourism, Pricing types, Primary and secondary electric power rates, Prime costs, Private club advisor organization, Private club dining types, Private club industry, Private club management to leadership model, Private club merchandising, Private club overtime tax exemption, Private equity club committee types, Private residence club, Prix fixe, Pro shop, Product life cycle , Production company, Production schedule, Productivity, Professional congress organizer, Profit and loss statement, Profit in foodservice operations, Profitability ratios, Program, Promotional mix, Property management system (PMS) , Proprietary, Psychological contract, Public offering statements, Public relations, Purchase order (PO), Purchasing, Purveyors, Qualitative versus quantitative marketing research , Quality control, Quality of work life, Quick service restaurants (QSR), Ratio analysis, Receiving, Recipe costing, Recipe standardization, Recruitment and E-recruitment, Redundancy, Reference checks, Reference group, Refreshment break, Registration , Registration card, Relationship marketing, Renewable energy, Renovation, Request for proposal, Rescission, Research and development (R&D), Reservation, Reservation file, Reservation record, Reservation reports, Reservations, Reserve for replacement, Resident manager, Resignation, Resource based view, Resource planning, Responsibility centers, Restaurant life cycle, Restaurant systems, Resume/Curriculum Vitae, Revenue, Revenue center, Revenue management, Revenue management in restaurants, Revenue per available room (RevPAR), Revenue per available seat hour (RevPASH), Right-to-use ownership, Risk return tradeoff, Role playing and simulations, Roles, Room energy management system, Room rate, Room rate pricing, Room revenue analysis, Room setups, Room systems automation, Room, status of, Rooms, types of, Routine maintenance, Safety, Sales promotion, Schools of thought, Scripts and schemas, Seasonality in foodservice, Secondary data, Security, Security systems, Self check-Out, Self development, Self-service technologies (SSTs), Semantic web, Semi-variable costs, Service profit chain, Service system, Service types, Shrinkage, Site inspection, Site selection, Small business entrepreneurship, Smart card, Smoke detectors, Social influence, Socialization, Soft branding, Software, Solvency ratios, Speaker, Special events management, Special markets, Staging guide, Standard cost accounting, Storage, Strategic choice, Strategic direction, Strategic evaluation , Strategic formulation , Strategic groups, Strategic management (see Hospitality strategic management), Strategy implementation, Strategy marketing planning and the marketing plan, Submetering, Sustainability, Switch companies, Switching costs, Systematic risk, Table d'hote, Tables per server, TCP/IP, Telephone systems, Tennis professional classification, Tennis tournament, Third party planners, Timeshare financing, Timeshare industry, Timeshare resales, Tipping, Total quality management (TQM), Trade show organizer, Trade union, Trade show, Training, Turnover, Turnover culture, U.S. Environment Protection Agency (US EPA), Understay, Undistributed operating expenses, Uniform resource locator(URL), Uniform system of accounts, Uniform system of accounts for restaurants, Uniform system of accounts income statement, Unit week, Unsystematic risk, Upscale restaurants, Upselling, Urban timeshare, Use period, Vacation exchange history, Vacation ownership, VALS, Value added statement, Value drivers, Value pricing, Variable costs, Variable costs in foodservice, Vending, Ventilation system, Vertical transportation, Virtual reality, Vortals, Walk-in, Walking the guest, Wall reader, Warnings, Waste factor/yield, Water and waste water systems , Weighted average cost of capital, Wireless , Wireless application protocol (WAP), Work orientation, Working capital, Xeriscape, XML, Yield management, Yield statistic, Zoning codes.
Roger Hawkins, Richard Towell, Marie-Noëlle Lamy, Juliet Solheim
1997-2025 Agencja Internetowa