ABOUT THE AUTHORS vPREFACE viACKNOWLEDGMENTS x1 Globalization 12 International Business Analytic Tools 233 Political Systems 424 The Legal Environment 695 Economic Systems 926 Currency and Foreign Exchange 1177 Trade Theories 1408 Culture 1679 Sustainability 18810 Poverty 20911 Technological Change and Infrastructure 23112 Global Innovation and Intellectual Property 26213 Country Selection and Entry Modes 28714 International Strategy 31115 International Organizational Structures 33316 Global Leadership 35717 Global Marketing 37618 Global Operations and Supply-Chain Management 39719 Global Human Resource Management 42120 Global Finance and Accounting 443GLOSSARY 464INDEX 473
Morris Desmond Morris was born in Wiltshire in 1928. An e... więcej >