Supercharging Plant Configurations using Z3.- Why You Should Constrain Your Machine Learned Models.- Contextual Optimization: Bridging Machine Learning and Operations.- A Computational Study of Constraint Programming Approaches for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling with Autonomous Learning Effects.- Strengthening of feasibility cuts in logic-based Benders decomposition.- Learning Variable Activity Initialisation for Lazy Clause Generation Solvers.- A*-based Compilation of Relaxed Decision Diagrams for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem.- Partitioning Students into Cohorts during COVID-19.- A Two-Phases Exact Algorithm for Optimization of Neural Network Ensemble.- Complete Symmetry Breaking Constraints for the Class of Uniquely Hamiltonian Graphs.- Heavy-Tails and Randomized Restarting Beam Search in Goal-Oriented Neural Sequence Decoding.- Combining Constraint Programming and Temporal Decomposition Approaches - Scheduling of an Industrial Formulation Plant.- The Traveling Social Golfer Problem: the case of the Volleyball Nations League.- Towards a Compact SAT-based Encoding of Itemset Mining Tasks.- A Pipe Routing Hybrid Approach based on A-Star Search and Linear Programming.- MDDs boost equation solving on discrete dynamical systems.- Variable Ordering for Decision Diagrams: A Portfolio Approach.- Two Deadline Reduction Algorithms for Scheduling Dependent Tasks on Parallel Processors.- Improving the Filtering of Branch-And-Bound MDD solver.- On the Usefulness of Linear Modular Arithmetic in Constraint Programming.- Injecting Domain Knowledge in Neural Networks: a Controlled Experiment on a Constrained Problem.- Learning Surrogate Functions for the Short-Horizon Planning in Same-Day Delivery Problems.- Between Steps: Intermediate Relaxations between big-M and Convex Hull Formulations.- Logic-Based Benders Decomposition for an Inter-modal Transportation Problem.- Checking Constraint Satisfaction.- Finding Subgraphs with Side Constraints.- Short-term scheduling of production fleets in underground mines using CP-based LNS.- Learning to Reduce State-Expanded Networks for Multi-Activity Shift Scheduling.- SeaPearl: A Constraint Programming Solver guided by Reinforcement Learning.- Learning to Sparsify Travelling Salesman Problem Instances.- Optimized Item Selection to Boost Exploration for Recommender Systems.- Improving Branch-and-Bound using Decision Diagrams and Reinforcement Learning.- Physician Scheduling During a Pandemic.