Idealness of k-wise intersecting families.- Flexible Graph Connectivity: Approximating Network Design Problems Between 1- and 2-connectivity.- Faster Algorithms for Parametric Global Minimum Cut Problems.- Optimizing Sparsity over Lattices and Semigroups.- A Technique for Obtaining True Approximations for k-Center with Covering Constraints.- Tight Approximation Bounds for Maximum Multi-Coverage.- Implementing automatic Benders decomposition in a modern MIP solver.- Improved Approximation Algorithms for Inventory Problems.- Extended Formulations for Stable Set Polytopes of Graphs Without Two Disjoint Odd Cycles.- On a generalization of the Chv atal-Gomory closure.- Algorithms for ows over time with scheduling costs.- Integer Plane Multi ow Maximisation: Flow-Cut Gap and One-Quarter-Approximation.- Stochastic Makespan Minimization in Structured Set Systems.- Continuous facility location on graphs.- Recognizing even-cycle and even-cut matroids.- A combinatorial algorithm for computing the rank of a generic partitioned matrix with $2 ntimes 2$ submatrices.- Fair Colorful k-Center Clustering.- Popular Branchings and Their Dual Certi cates.- Sparse graphs and an augmentation problem.- About the Complexity of Two-Stage Stochastic Ips.- Packing under Convex Quadratic Constraints.- Weighted Triangle-free 2-matching Problem with Edge-disjoint Forbidden Triangles.- Single source unsplittable ows with arc-wise lower and upper bounds.- Maximal quadratic-free sets.- On Generalized Surrogate Duality in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming.- Andrea Lodi and Felipe Serrano.- The integrality number of an integer program.- Persistency of Linear Programming Relaxations for the Stable Set Problem.- Constructing lattice-free gradient polyhedra in dimension two.- Sequence independent lifting for the set of submodular maximization problem.- A Fast (2 + 2/7)-Approximation Algorithm for Capacitated Cycle Covering.- Graph Coloring Lower Bounds from Decision Diagrams.- On convex hulls of epigraphs of QCQPs.- On the convexi cation of constrained quadratic optimization problems with indicator variables.