Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Table A (List of Committee Members) -- Table B (List of Speakers) -- Table C (Commentators' List) -- Part I. Innovation under Japanese Management -- Innovation and the Japanese Management System -- The Japanese Corporate System and Technology Accumulation -- Dynamic Synergy and Top Management Leadership: Strategie Innovation in Japanese Companies -- A Comparative Evolutionary Perspective on Strategy-Making: Advantages and Limitations of the Japanese Approach -- Novel Product Concepts from Lead Users -- Part II. Process of Innovation -- Factors Affecting the Creativity of Organizations - An Approach from the Analysis of New Product Development -- Technology Bunching and Industrial Strategies -- Part III. Innovation and Organizational Change -- Strategy Making as Craft -- Management of Change in the Firm - Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence -- Restructuring Mature Industries: The Challenge for Europe -- On the Inter-Relation Between Large and Small Enterprises in a Socialist Economy: The Case of the GDR -- Part IV. Impact of Information Technology and Micro-Electronics -- Information Technology and Organization -- High Technology and Its Impact on Business Management -- Adapting Organizations to Micro-Electronics - and Micro-Electronics to Organizations: Experiences in the Federal Republic of Germany -- Technology, Innovation and Labour-Management Strategies -- Research Note -- Development of the Studies of Socialist Enterprise in Japan and "Innovation" of the Socialist Enterprise -- The Authors -- Backmatter