Part I. Theoretical Foundations: 1. Effective secrecy: reliability, confusion and stealth Jie Hou, Gerhard Kramer and Matthieu Bloch; 2. Error free perfect secrecy systems Siu-Wai Ho, Terence Chan, Alex Grant and Chinthani Uduwerelle; 3. Secure source coding Paul Cuff and Curt Schieler; 4. Networked secure source coding Kittipong Kittichokechai, Tobias J. Oechtering and Mikael Skoglund; Part II. Secure Communication: 5. Secrecy rate Maximization in Gaussian MIMO wiretap channels Sergey Loyka and Charalambos D. Charalambous; 6. MIMO wire-tap channels Mohamed Nafea and Aylin Yener; 7. MISO wiretap channel with strictly causal CSI: a topological viewpoint Zohaib Hassan Awan and Aydin Sezgin; 8. Physical layer security with delayed, hybrid and alternating channel state knowledge Pritam Mukherjee, Ravi Tandon and Sennur Ulukus; 9. Stochastic orders, alignments, and ergodic secrecy capacity Pin-Hsun Lin and Eduard A. Jorswieck; 10. The discrete memoryless arbitrarily varying wiretap channel Janis Notzel, Moritz Wiese and Holger Boche; 11. Super-activation as a unique feature of secure communication over arbitrarily varying channels Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche and H. Vincent Poor; Part III. Secret Key Generation and Authentication: 12. Multiple secret key generation: information theoretic models and key capacity regions Huishuai Zhang, Yingbin Liang, Lifeng Lai and Shlomo Shamai (Shitz); 13. Secret key generation for physical unclonable functions Michael Pehl, Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl; 14. Wireless physical layer authentication for the Internet of Things Gianluca Caparra, Marco Centenaro, Nicola Laurenti, Stefano Tomasin and Lorenzo Vangelista; Part IV. Data Systems and Related Applications: 15. Information theoretic analysis of the performance of biometric authentication systems Tanya Ignatenko and Frans M. J. Willems; 16. Joint privacy and security of multiple biometric systems Adina Goldberg and Stark C. Draper; 17. Information-theoretic approaches to privacy-preserving information access and dissemination Giulia Fanti and Kannan Ramchandran; 18. Privacy in the smart grid: information, control and games H. Vincent Poor; 19. Security in distributed storage systems Salim El Rouayheb, Sreechakra Goparaju and Kannan Ramchandran.