Chapter 1 Introduction to information technology and intellectual property law
Chapter 2 Essentials of copyright law
Chapter 3 Copyright and computer programs
Chapter 4 Non-textual copying of computer programs and emulating the functions of a computer program
Chapter 5 Copyright in databases
Chapter 6 The sui generis database right
Chapter 7 Copyright in the information society
Chapter 8 Design law, computer graphics and typefaces
Chapter 9 Semiconductor topography right
Chapter 10 Confidential information, trade secrets and information technology
Chapter 11 Essentials of patent law
Chapter 12 Patents and computer-implemented inventions
Chapter 13 Intellectual property law and artificial intelligence
Chapter 14 Essentials of trade mark law and the law of passing off
Chapter 15 Trade marks, goodwill and the internet
Chapter 16 Competition law
Chapter 17 Jurisdiction and intellectual property aspects of information technology