Preface, Prologue: Reminiscences, 1. SOP: A Model of Automatic Memory Processing in Animal Behavior, 2. Differences in Adaptiveness Between Classically Conditioned Responses and Instrumentally Acquired Responses, 3. Within-Event Learning in Paviovian Conditioning, 4. Long-Delay Conditioning and Instrumental Learning: Some New Findings, 5. Actions and Habits: Variations in Associative Representations During Instrumental Learning, 6. Working Memory and the Temporal Map, 7. Directed Forgetting in Animals, 8. Short-Term Memory in the Pigeon, 9. Studies of Long-Term Memory in the Pigeon, 10. Postacquisition Modification of Memory, 11. Mechanisms of Cue-Induced Retention Enhancement, 12. Extending the Domain of Memory Retrieval, Author Index, Subject Index
Norman E. Spear and Ralph R. Miller both State University of New York at Binghamton