ISBN-13: 9783656898856 / Słowacki / Miękka / 2015 / 28 str.
Research paper from the year 2015 in the subject Engineering - Aerospace Technology, Technical University of Kosice (Faculty of Aeronautics), language: Slovakian, abstract: Cieľom tohto referatu je pojednanie o aplikacii a vyuziti informačnych systemov v riadeni letovej prevadzky. Autor sa v prvej časti prace zameriava na objasnenie problematiky informacii a informačnych systemov vo vseobecnej rovine a v druhej časti prace popisuje problematiku informačnych systemov v riadeni letovej prevadzky, zameriava sa na ich nevyhnutnosť a potrebu v sučasnej leteckej doprave. The aim of this paper is to discourse on the application of information systems in air traffic control. In the first part of the paper the author aims to generally clarify the problems of the information and information systems and in the second part of the paper he describes the problematics of information systems in air traffic control, points on their necessity and their need in current air traffic.