Advances in Our Understanding of the Pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Diagnosis and monitoring in Inflammatory Bowel disease: who, when, where and how
Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosis and Management: Past, Present and Future Directions
New Developments in the Management of Crohn’s Disease
Extraintestinal Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Infectious Complications in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Healthcare Maintenance in the Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: High Yield Interventions
The Woman With Inflamatory Bowel Disease: Fertility, Pregnancy And Beyond
Unique Challenges in the Diagnosis and Management of the Pediatric IBD Patient
Colon Cancer Screening and Surveillance in the IBD patient
The Utility Of Endoscopy In Inflamatory Bowel Disease
Changing Paradigms in the Management of the Elderly IBD Patient
Surgical management of the complex Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis patient: When to redo a pouch
The Economics of IBD: Is There a Future for a Medical Home?
A Physician Patient’s Perspective: Personal challenges and the role of sub-specialist telemedicine
IBD in the time of COVID-19
Ramona Rajapakse, MD, FRCP(UK), FACG,
Program Director,
Mather Gastroenterology Fellowship,
Associate Professor of Medicine,
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Health
Port Jefferson, NY, USA.
Dr Rajapakse earned her medical degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. She did her residency and Gastroenterology fellowship at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan before joining faculty at Stony Brook University Medical Center where she taught and practiced clinical Gastroenterology with a special interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) for 20 years. At Stony Brook University Hospital she initiated a dedicated IBD service and a multidisciplinary IBD center, of which she was director. She has conducted research and published on IBD, taught several generations of medical students, residents and fellows and has directed IBD CME programs for community physicians. In December 2019 , she became a founding member of Mather Gastroenterology and initiated a new Gastroenterology fellowship for Mather/Northwell. She has been an avid advocate for her patients, is on the advisory board of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation in Long Island and was honored with their Distinguished Physician award in November 2020. She lives in Long Island with her husband and twins
This book uses new thinking on precision medicine and the interplay of genetic factors, the microbiome, and external triggers to build on the core concepts of inflammatory bowel disease. It outlines the latest findings in targeting therapies to the individual patient with Crohn’s and colitis, management of chronic infections in the setting of immunomodulators and biologics, non-surgical therapy of dysplasia in colitis patients, and redefining and structuring the problematic pouch. In addition, this book features useful chapters dedicated to the economic aspects of IBD in an increasingly constrained healthcare system, as well as the patient experience and the role of subspecialist telemedicine care.
Written by specialists and thought leaders in the field, Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management provides a concise but highly relevant account of the latest thinking and concepts in IBD.