Contributors ixPreface xiiiAcknowledgments xv1 Introduction to Infectious Disease Management inAnimal Shelters 1Kate F. Hurley and Lila Miller2 Wellness 13Brenda Griffin3 Data Surveillance 46Janet Scarlett4 Diagnostic Testing 60Brian A. DiGangi5 Necropsy Techniques 94Patricia A. Pesavento6 Outbreak Management 113Jeanette O'Quin7 Pharmacology 143Virginia R. Fajt8 Sanitation 166Cynthia Karsten9 Canine and Feline Vaccinations and Immunology 191Laurie J. Larson and Ronald D. Schultz10 Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) 221Elizabeth A. Berliner11 Canine Distemper Virus 256Sandra Newbury12 Canine Influenza 274Stephanie Janeczko13 Feline Infectious Respiratory Disease 289Annette Litster14 Canine Parvovirus and Other Canine Enteropathogens 321Erin Doyle15 Feline Panleukopenia 337Helen Tuzio16 Feline Coronavirus and Feline Infectious Peritonitis 367Elizabeth A. Berliner17 Internal Parasites 393Dwight D. Bowman, Araceli Lucio-Forster, and Stephanie Janeczko18 Heartworm Disease 419Martha Smith-Blackmore19 External Parasites 443Dwight D. Bowman, Araceli Lucio-Forster, and Stephanie Janeczko20 Dermatophytosis 462Sandra Newbury21 Zoonosis 500Brian A. DiGangi and Lila Miller 50022 Rabies 521G. Robert Weedon and Catherine M. Brown23 Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Viruses 546Julie K. Levy24 Exotic Companion Mammals (Ferrets, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and Rodents) 562Jennifer Graham and S. Emmanuelle KnafoIndex 609
The editorsLila Miller, BS, DVM, currently retired, is the former Vice President of Shelter Medicine at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in New York, New York, USA. She was also an adjunct assistant faculty member at the veterinary colleges at Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania, and co-editor of the first and second editions of the textbook Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff.Stephanie Janeczko, DVM, MS, DABVP (Canine/Feline Practice, Shelter Medicine Practice), CAWA is the Vice President of Shelter Medicine Services and the Director of the Julie Morris Shelter Medicine Residency Program at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in New York, New York, USA. She also serves as the regent for the Shelter Medicine specialty under the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners.Kate F. Hurley, DVM, MPVM, is Director of the Koret Shelter Medicine Program and Assistant Clinical Professor of Shelter Medicine and Small Animal Population Health for the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California in Davis, California, USA.