CHAPTER ONE: Short Course in Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Ideal Gas
1.3 Bose-Einstein Distribution Function
1.4 Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function
1.4.1 The Grand Partition Function and Other Thermodynamic Functions
1.4.2 The Fermi -- Dirac Distribution Function
1.5 Ideal Fermi Gas
1.6 Ideal Dense Plasma
1.6.1 Thermodynamic Relations
1.6.2 Ideal Gas and Saha Ionization
1.7 Thomas--Fermi Theory
1.7.1 Basic Thomas--Fermi Equations
1.8 References
CHAPTER TWO: Essential Physics of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 General Concept of Electromagnetisms and Electrostatics
2.2.1 The Coulomb's Law
2.2.2 The Electric Field
2.2.3 The Gauss's Law
2.3 Solution of Electrostatic Problems
2.3.1 Poisson's Equation
2.3.2 Laplace's Equation
2.4 Electrostatic Energy
2.4.1 Potential Energy of a Group of Point Charges
2.4.2 Electrostatic Energy of a Charge Distribution
2.4.3 Forces and Torques
2.5 Maxwell's Equations
2.6 Debye Length
2.7 Physics of Plasmas
2.8 Fluid Description of Plasma
2.9 Magneto-Hydro Dynamics (MHD)
2.10 Physics of Dimensional Analysis Application in Inertial Confinement Fusion ICF
2.10.1 Dimensional Analysis and Scaling Concept
2.10.2 Similarity and Estimating
2.10.3 Self-Similarity
2.10.4 General Results of Similarity
2.10.5 Principles of Similarity
2.11 Self-Similarity Solutions of the First and Second Kind
2.12 Physics of Implosion and Explosion in ICF--Self-Similarity Methods
2.13 Self-Similarity and Sedov - Taylor Problem
2.14 Self-Similarity and Guderley Problem
2.15 References<
CHAPTER THREE: Physics of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Rates of Thermonuclear Reactions
3.3 Critical Ignition Temperature for Fusion
3.4 Controlled Thermonuclear Ideal Ignition Temperature
3.5 Lawson Criterion
3.5.1 Inertial Confinement and Lawson Criterion
3.6 Bremsstrahlung Radiation
3.6.1 Bremsstrahlung Plasma Radiation Losses
3.6.2 Bremsstrahlung Emission Rate
3.6.3 Additional Radiation Losses
3.6.4 Inverse Bremsstrahlung Radiation in Inertial Confinement Fusion
3.7 Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Inertial Confinement Fusion
3.8 Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in Inertial Confinement Fusion
3.9 Filamentation Instability in Inertial Confinement Fusion
3.10 Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
3.11 References
CHAPTER FOUR: Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Overview of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)
4.3 Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Process Steps
4.4 A Path Towards Inertial Fusion Energy
4.4.1 Direct Drive Fusion
4.4.2 Indirect Drive Fusion (The Hohlraum)
4.4.3 Single Beam Driver as Ignitor Concept (Fast Ignition)
4.5 Inertial Fusion Confinement Implosion and Explosion Process
4.5.1 Linear Compression Concept
4.5.2 Cylindrical Compression Concept
4.5.3 Spherical Compression Concept
4.6 Basic Consideration for Fusion Target Design
4.7 Targets for Direct-Drive Laser Inertial Fusion Energy
4.8 Z-Pinch Target
4.9 Target Fabrication
4.10 Conclusion
4.11 References
Appendix A: Schrödinger Wave Equation
A.1 Introduction
A.2 The Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation Concept
A.3 Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation Concept
A.4 A Free Particle inside a Box and Density of State
A.5 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
A.6 Pauli Exclusion Principle
Appendix B: The Stirling Formula
B.1 Proof of Stirling's Formula
Appendix C: Table of Fermi--Dirac Functions
C.1 Fermi-Dirac Functions
C.2 References
Appendix D: Tables of Thomas--Fermi Corrected Equation of State
Appendix E: Lagrangian and Eulerian Coordinate Systems
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) Systems
E.3 References
Appendix F: Angular Plasma Frequency and High Power Laser
F.1 Plasma Frequency Introduction
F.2 High-Power Laser Fields Introduction
F.3 References
Appendix G: A Soliton Wave
G.1 Introduction
G.2 References
Dr. Bahman Zohuri currently works for Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Inc., a consulting firm that he started in 1991 when he left both the semiconductor and defense industries after many years working as a chief scientist. After graduating from the University of Illinois in the field of physics, applied mathematics, then he went to the University of New Mexico, where he studied nuclear engineering and mechanical engineering. He joined Westinghouse Electric Corporation, where he performed thermal hydraulic analysis and studied natural circulation in an inherent shutdown, heat removal system (ISHRS) in the core of a liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) as a secondary fully inherent shutdown system for secondary loop heat exchange. All these designs were used in nuclear safety and reliability engineering for a self-actuated shutdown system. He designed a mercury heat pipe and electromagnetic pumps for large pool concepts of a LMFBR for heat rejection purposes for this reactor around 1978, when he received a patent for it. He was subsequently, transferred to the defense division of Westinghouse, where he oversaw dynamic analysis and methods of launching and controlling MX missiles from canisters. The results were applied to MX launch seal performance and muzzle blast phenomena analysis (i.e., missile vibration and hydrodynamic shock formation). Dr. Zohuri was also involved in analytical calculations and computations in the study of nonlinear ion waves in rarefying plasma. The results were applied to the propagation of so-called soliton waves and the resulting charge collector traces in the rarefaction characterization of the corona of laser-irradiated target pellets. As part of his graduate research work at Argonne National Laboratory, he performed computations and programming of multi-exchange integrals in surface physics and solid-state physics. He earned various patents in areas such as diffusion processes and diffusion furnace design while working as a senior process engineer at various semiconductor companies, such as Intel Corp., Varian Medical Systems, and National Semiconductor Corporation. He later joined Lockheed Martin Missile and Aerospace Corporation as Senior Chief Scientist and oversaw research and development (R&D) and the study of the vulnerability, survivability, and both radiation and laser hardening of different components of the Strategic Defense Initiative, known as Star Wars.
This included payloads (i.e., IR sensor) for the Defense Support Program, the Boost Surveillance and Tracking System, and Space Surveillance and Tracking Satellite against laser and nuclear threats. While at Lockheed Martin, he also performed analyses of laser beam characteristics and nuclear radiation interactions with materials, transient radiation effects in electronics, electromagnetic pulses, system-generated electromagnetic pulses, single-event upset, blast, thermo-mechanical, hardness assurance, maintenance, and device technology.
He spent several years as a consultant at Galaxy Advanced Engineering serving Sandia National Laboratories, where he supported the development of operational hazard assessments for the Air Force Safety Center in collaboration with other researchers and third parties. Ultimately, the results were included in Air Force Instructions issued specifically for directed energy weapons operational safety. He completed the first version of a comprehensive library of detailed laser tools for airborne lasers, advanced tactical lasers, tactical high-energy lasers, and mobile/ tactical high-energy lasers, for example.
He also oversaw SDI computer programs, in connection with Battle Management C3I and artificial intelligence, and autonomous systems. He is the author of several publications and holds several patents, such as for a laser-activated radioactive decay and results of a through-bulkhead initiator. He has published the following works: Heat Pipe Design and Technology: A Practical Approach (CRC Press); Dimensional Analysis and Self-Similarity Methods for Engineering and Scientists (Springer); High Energy Laser (HEL): Tomorrow’s Weapon in Directed Energy Weapons Volume I (Trafford Publishing Company); and recently the book on the subject Directed Energy Weapons and Physics of High Energy Laser with Springer. He has other books with Springer Publishing Company; Thermodynamics in Nuclear Power Plant Systems (Springer); and Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Nuclear Reactors (Springer).
This book takes a holistic approach to plasma physics and controlled fusion via Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) techniques, establishing a new standard for clean nuclear power generation. Inertial Confinement Fusion techniques to enable laser-driven fusion have long been confined to the black-box of government classification due to related research on thermonuclear weapons applications. This book is therefore the first of its kind to explain the physics, mathematics and methods behind the implosion of the Nd-Glass tiny balloon (pellet), using reliable and thoroughly referenced data sources. The associated computer code and numerical analysis are included in the book. No prior knowledge of Laser Driven Fusion and no more than basic background in plasma physics is required.
Provides an in-depth, complete education on Laser-driven Fusion, beginning with fundamentals of Inertial Confinement of Fusion (ICF) and including the code and formulae behind successful application;
Shares break-through plasma physics based techniques to generate clean nuclear energy, formerly shrouded in secrecy for leveraging solely in weapons development;
Covers the necessary shock-wave analysis via second order self-similarity, asymptotic and dimensional methods.