Foreword Achim Steiner; Preface Partha Dasgupta and Anantha Duraiappah; Executive summary; Part I. Wealth Accounts: 1. Well-being and wealth Partha Dasgupta and Anantha Duraiappah; 2. Accounting for the Inclusive Wealth of nations: empirical evidence Pablo Muñoz, Elorm Darkey, Kirsten Oleson, and Leonie Pearson; 3. The significance of the 'Natural Wealth' of nations Leonie Pearson, Pablo Muñoz, and Elorm Darkey; 4. Measuring Comprehensive Wealth in the United States Kevin J. Mumford; 5. Are national economies (virtually) sustainable?: an empirical analysis of natural assets in international trade Giles Atkinson, Matthew Agarwala and Pablo Muñoz; Part II. Foundations of Wealth Accounting: 6. Natural capital as economic asset: a review Partha Dasgupta; 7. Biodiversity, ecosystem services and wealth accounting Charles Perrings; 8. Ecosystem services and wealth accounting Edward B. Barbier; 9. Inclusive wealth accounting for regulating ecosystem services Heather Tallis, Stephen Polasky, Juan Sebastian Lozano and Stacie Wolny; 10. Accounting for water: stocks, flows and values Chris Perry; 11. Assuring the future of the wealth of nature: sustainability, substitutability, measurement, thresholds and aggregation issues in natural capital accounting Paul Ekins; 12. Conclusion: lessons, findings and recommendations Anantha Duraiappah and Pablo Fuentenebro.