"I would be comfortable recommending that student team members purchase a copy. I believe it offers a good combination of background information on inclusive design, practical advice for dealing with common interaction limitations, and pointers to additional resources." (Franz Kurfess, Computing Reviews, September 7, 2021)
Chapter 1. Designing with accessibility in mind
Chapter Goal: Layout reasons for accessible design
• What is web accessibility and inclusive design
• Which standard to use (W3C, WCAG 2.1, etc)
• Importance of providing Efficient Code
• Summary of key points on last page of the chapter
Chapter 2. HTML, CSS, and the land of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)
Chapter Goal: Best Practice for web development with sample code
• HTML (headings, language, alt text, etc)
• CSS (Contrast, Hiding Content, Order, etc.)
• Javascript (Navigation, User Control, etc.)
• ARIA Landmarks (Defining ARIA needs and where to apply)
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Chapter 3. If it’s annoying, it’s probably not inclusive design
Chapter Goal: Common inaccessible things people do with digital products
• Illustrations of inaccessible product examples with correct code
• Do’s and Don’ts including code
• Inclusive Documentation - PDF’s and beyond
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Chapter 4. Web Compliance
Chapter Goal: Review of WCAG 2.1, ADA as it applies to the web and Section 508 of the rehabilitation act
• Internationalization of inclusive design-global differences
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Chapter 5. Design Principles for People with Disabilities
Chapter Goal: Give High level design principles from true stories of disable web users
• Tips for building Accessible websites (Labeling, Formatting, Linking, etc)
• Accessible Web Content Code
• Voice of the Disabled-true stories
• Summary of key points on last page of the chapter
Chapter 6. Users & User Research
Chapter Goal: Assistive Technologies and tools
• Recruiting participants
• Practical testing and training plans
• Usability evaluation
• Metrics to examine
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Chapter 7. Case Studies & Solutions
Chapter Goal: Lessons learned from building accessibility into different platforms
• Web
• Mobile
• AR
• VR
• Voice
• Gaming
• Social Media
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Chapter 8. Planning and Implementation of inclusive design
Chapter Goal: How to on Planning and implementing accessibility on teams
• Creating a culture of accessibility
• When to begin incorporating inclusive design in the process
• Accessible documentation
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Chapter 9. Usability and Usability Testing
Chapter Goal: Testing Products with People with disabilities
• How to test products with people with disabilities
• How to recruit people with disabilities
• Usability testing best practices
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Chapter 10. Beyond the web, innovation, the future and you!
Chapter Goal: Conclusion looking into the past innovations, future innovations and opportunities
• Past innovations
• Organization and Resources for Inclusive Design and Accessibility
• Summary page at the end of the chapter
Regine Gilbert is a user experience designer, educator, and international public speaker with over 10 years of experience working in the technology arena. Her passion for accessibility stems from growing up with family who were disabled. Since working in technology she has spearheaded accessibility initiatives within the organizations in which she worked including creation of guidelines and training. She has a strong belief in making the world a more accessible place—one that starts and ends with the user.
Regine is an Adjunct Professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, teaching User Experience Design to students in the Integrated Digital Media Program. In addition, she teaches the part time User Experience Design course at General Assembly. Some of the companies Regine has had the pleasure of working for include Disney, JP Morgan, Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts, Ralph Lauren, Columbia University and Vitamin Shoppe.
What is inclusive design? It is simple. It means that your product has been created with the intention of being accessible to as many different users as possible. For a long time, the concept of accessibility has been limited in terms of only defining physical spaces. However, change is afoot: personal technology now plays a part in the everyday lives of most of us, and thus it is a responsibility for designers of apps, web pages, and more public-facing tech products to make them accessible to all. Our digital era brings progressive ideas and paradigm shifts – but they are only truly progressive if everybody can participate.
In Inclusive Design for a Digital World, multiple crucial aspects of technological accessibility are confronted, followed by step-by-step solutions from User Experience Design professor and author Regine Gilbert. Think about every potential user who could be using your product. Could they be visually impaired? Have limited motor skills? Be deaf or hard of hearing? This book addresses a plethora of web accessibility issues that people with disabilities face. Your app might be blocking out an entire sector of the population without you ever intending or realizing it. For example, is your instructional text full of animated words and Emoji icons? This makes it difficult for a user with vision impairment to use an assistive reading device, such as a speech synthesizer, along with your app correctly. In Inclusive Design for a Digital World, Gilbert covers the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 requirements, emerging technologies such as VR and AR, best practices for web development, and more.
As a creator in the modern digital era, your aim should be to make products that are inclusive of all people. Technology has, overall, increased connection and information equality around the world. To continue its impact, access and usability of such technology must be made a priority, and there is no better place to get started than Inclusive Design for a Digital World.