3. Local Ambazonian Resistance to German Colonization
4. Traditional Leadership in Ambazonia: The Rise of Achirimbi and Manga Williams in Colonial Politics
5. Separation of Powers and Political Conflicts in Africa: The Case of Colonial Ambazonia and South Africa
6. French Imperialism in Cameroon: Implications for the Ambazonian Independence Struggle, 1960-2020
7. The Face Behind the Mask: But for France, French Cameroun will not be at War with Southern Cameroons
8. ‘Independence by Joining,’ Memory, Memoranda and Narratives of Betrayal and Abandonment of British Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia)
9. Language, Identity, and Statehood in The Southern Cameroons
10. The Construct of Otherness: North West/South West Relations, Implications for an Independent Southern Cameroons
11. Maritime Waters of Ambazonia and the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention
12. The Waters of Ambazonia: The Blue Economy, Jurisdiction, and Maritime Criminality
13. Three Poems
Harry Akoh is Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia). He served as the guest editor for a special edition on Ambazonia published by John Hopkins University’s Theory & Event Journal. In February 2023, Harry won the Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished College Administrator Award. Harry is a recipient of the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for outstanding and invaluable service to the community.
This book documents the unusual courage by different generations of Ambazonians fighting to build a modern postcolonial nation-state in Africa. Written by experts in the field, the chapters analyze the Ambazonia liberation struggle from different perspectives. Examining the tangled origins of the Ambazonian war as well as documenting the region’s extensive history of foreign occupation up until recent uprisings erupting in 2016, the contributors expose the unwillingness of the international systems to stand up to mandates and call for complete decolonization of the territory from French Cameroun. This book forces a re-examination of colonialism, neo-colonialism, and post-colonialism in West Africa, especially in the relatively obscure area of black-on-black colonization, and the inadequacy of international instruments in enforcing the universally accepted ideas from the previous century.
Harry Akoh is Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia). He served as the guest editor for a special edition on Ambazonia published by John Hopkins University’s Theory & Event Journal. In February 2023, Harry won the Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished College Administrator Award. Harry is a recipient of the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for outstanding and invaluable service to the community.