ISBN-13: 9781499324396 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 84 str.
What is death? It is the biggest restriction and the greatest freedom. Many people think that when they die, they will be free. Only one, who knows the laws of entering and going out freely of his body, will be free. One, who does not know these laws, is tied to his body. Such a person is not free even after his death. He is in great restrictions. Why? He himself has connected by thousands of threads for the tearing of which, conscious, reasonable work is needed. However, God has bound humans only by one thread - Love. While in the world, thanks to the connections, with which one has bound himself alone, one aims at the center of Earth. When he thinks something about the center of the Sun, he feels that the earthly threads pull him strongly downwards. This is the reason why the aspiration of humans for Earth is greater than that for the Sun. To be spiritual, this implies one to have a strong desire for God, for the Sun of life. If this striving in him is natural, by conscious and hard work on himself, he can gradually tear one after another the connections that hold him to Earth and remain only with the connection with God - with the connection of Love. Only that person can be absolutely free after death. He will be free on Earth and in Heaven. He can go to the Sun and return whenever he wants. A day will come when people will communicate directly with the Sun and will know everything that happens there. Is the yoke needed in life? Under the current conditions of life, yoke is needed. It leads one to suffering and work. As modern humans have penetrated deeply into the matter and connected with it, they suffer until they tear these connections. After that one starts to work and finally his life is given meaning. Once your life is given meaning, you already work. A chicken also suffers while it is in the shell of the egg. When the time for hatching comes close, it starts knocking on the shell until it breaks it and goes out to freedom. And in free life, there is also yoke, but the chicken is already working to earn its living. All people are closed in a shell, from which they must come out. Until one does not feel it, he is standing in the shell quietly and calmly. Once he becomes bored with it, he begins to make attempts to break through it and go out. It is important for him to obey the time of its drilling. If he breaks it prematurely, he will either die or he will come out, but he will be feeble and incapable of independent life. Be sure to break the shell in time We call this moment in life "gaining of freedom," "entry into the new life," and the alchemists call it "acquisition of the Philosopher's Stone" and it is mentioned in the Gospel as entrance of humans in the Kingdom of God. So, we have come on Earth to get rid of the unnecessary connections that we have and that make us very nervous. And when we get rid of the connections, only one connection will remain. Then that Divine joy will come in us and we will understand what the physical life means. Physical life is preparation for the spiritual life, and the spiritual life is preparation for the Divine one. Once you get into the perfection of the Divine life, then you will understand the meaning of the physical, spiritual and Divine lives. Joy comes from the Divine life.