I: The Political Revolution; 1: Montaigne and the Cannibals; 2: Tabula Rasa and Utopia; 3: Magna Charta and the Word of God; 4: The Pride of Being English; 5: The War; 6: Independence; 7: The National Vocation; 8: Thomas Jefferson and Saint-Just; 9: Sparta, Rome, the Land of Cockaigne, or Tartary; 10: The Declaration of Independence; 11: Congress and the Declaration; 12: The American Revolution; II: The Industrial and Social Revolution; 13: Once More Montaigne—but Other Cannibals; 14: Jefferson against Hamilton; 15: Karl Marx, America, and the Hippocratic Oath; 16: “The Chapter of the Hats”; 17: “The Only American Economist of Importance”; 18: The Prophet of a New Messiah; 19: A Trial of Orthodoxy; 20: Samuel Gompers and Lenin—“More-and-More” and “All-or-Nothing”