Theory of image viewing (e.g. forming and interpreting patterns); principles of image interpretation when viewing radiographic images (e.g. satisfaction of search, systematic approaches/patterns); types and formats of image interpretation (e.g. preliminary clinical evaluation/comment, clinical reporting); structuring a comment
2- Normal appearances of bones and joints
Normal appearances of bones and joint; normal variants (including differentiating between normal variant and fracture).
3- Fractures and Joint Trauma
Biomechanics of trauma; patterns of injury; fracture types and healing; treatment
Chapters 4-9 will all follow a similar format by addressing each bone/joint in turn by considering:
Systematic review of each bone/joint: how to assess, normal appearances/ measurements
Common normal variants
Patterns of injury
Common injuries; radiographic appearances supported by other modalities where appropriate
4- Upper limb
Humerus, forearm, hand; elbow and wrist joints
5- Shoulder girdle and thorax
Clavicle, scapula, sternum, and ribs; shoulder, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular joints
6- Lower limb
Femur, tibia and fibula, foot; knee, ankle and foot joints