Identifying Units of Statehood and Determining International Boundaries: A Revised Look at the Doctrine of Uti Possidetis and the Principle of Self-De » książka
Contents: Doctrine of Uti Possidetis - Latin American Independence - Decolonization in Africa - Dissolution of Yugoslavia, USSR and Czechoslovakia - The Right to Self-Determination and its Applications - Evaluation of Particular Boundary Disputes: Eritrea-Ethiopia, Mayott-Comoros and Walvis Bay-Namibia - Conflict between the Uti Possitetis Doctrine and the Right to Self-Determination.
The Author: Helen Ghebrewebet was born in Ethiopia in 1975 and studied law in Heidelberg and Göttingen. After her First State Examination in Göttingen in 2000 and her Second State Examination in Düsseldorf in 2002 she completed her LL.M. in US. Legal Studies at the University of Connecticut School of Law. Helen Ghebrewebet is admitted to practice in Germany and New York State. She currently works for an international law firm.