ISBN-13: 9781468461671 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 56 str.
The Electronic Prope ties Information Cente has developed the Data Table as a compilation of the most eliable info mation available fo the physical, c ystallog aphic, mechanical, thermal, elect onic, magnetic and optical p ope ties of a given mate ial. Data Tables forme ly se ved as an int oduction to the g aphic data compilations on the mate ial published by the Elect onic ope ties Information Cente, EPIC, as Data Sheets. Although the Data Sheets we e p incipally concerned, according to the scope of the Cente, with electronic and optical data, it is believed that data cove ing the complete p ope ty spect um, is of the f st impo tance to eve y scientist and engineer, whateve his information requi ements. The enthusiastic eception of these Data Tables has confi med this opinion and increasing requests fo this highly selective type of information esulted in the publication of volume 2 in this se ies, "III-V Semiconducting Compounds" in 1971 and "G oup IV Semiconducting Compounds," also in 1971. Recent inte est in the device applications of the te n y semiconducto s, led to the compilation of these Data Tables on the III-V Te n y Semiconducting Compounds. The majo problem in this type of selective data compilation on a semiconducting mate ial, lies in the mate ial specifications. Prope ties may va y so widely with doping, c stallinity, defects, geometric forms and the othe pa amete s of p epa ation, that any attempts at comparison normally fail. On this basis, we have consistently attempted to give the p epa ation methods, ca rier concent ations, and physical form.