1-1 What is Hydrogel? Natural and Synthetic Polymer Hydrogels
Basic Structure and Behaviors of Polymer Hydrogels
1-2 Self-Assembly and Dynamic Structure of Cytoskeletal Filaments
1-3 Why Cytoskeletal Gel? --- Super –Giant and Multi-Scale Hierarchical Structure
2Microtubules Gel
2-1 Preparation of Microtubules Gel
2-2 Supra-Molecular Structure of Microtubules Gel
2-3 Specific Assembly Process of Chemically Modified Tublin
2-4 Photo-Chemical Catalytic Activity of Microtubule Gel
2-5 Emergent Functions as Protein Gel Motors
3 Actin Gel
3-1 Preparation of Actin Gel
3-2 Supra-Molecular Structure and Emergent Functions of Actin Gel
4 Tropomyosin Gel
4-1 Preparation and properties of tropomyosin Gel
4-2 Superior Cell Penetration of Synthetic Tropomyosin
Professor Yoshihito Osada obtained his Bachelor’s
degree in chemistry from Waseda University, Japan, and received his Ph.D. in
polymer science from Moscow State University (supervisor: Prof. V.A. Kabanov).
He began as a professor in 1992, then became the Dean and eventually the Vice President of Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan. He was invited to be Deputy Director at the Advanced
Science Institute, RIKEN in 2007. He is currently a Senior Visiting Scientist at
RIKEN and a professor emeritus at Hokkaido University.
Professor Yoshihito Osada is a pioneer of polymer gels. He developed artificial muscle systems
using various functional gels such as Shape Memory Gel and Double Network Gel
with excellent mechanical performances. His current interests focus on highly-hierarchical protein gels with “emergent”
muscle functions, nano-patterning of the gel, and electro-conductive gels.
Ken-Ichi Sano
received his B.S. degree in biology from Osaka City University, Japan, in
1993, and his Ph.D. degree in biophysics from Nagoya University, Japan, in
2000. In 1994, he joined the International Institute for Advanced Research,
Panasonic, and since 1999 he has worked for RIKEN, Harima Institute at SPring-8.
Since 2003 he has been with the Department of Protein Engineering, Cancer
Institute, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, where
he studied interfacial molecules between biomaterials and inorganics. In 2008,
he joined the Molecular and System Life Science Unit, Advanced Science Institute,
RIKEN as a Contract Researcher, and became Deputy Unit Leader in 2009 where he
studied hydrogels of cytoskeletal proteins. In April 2011 he joined the Department of Innovative Systems Engineering, Nippon Institute of Technology as
an Associate Professor. His current research interests include cellular drug
delivery systems and evaluation of antidepressant agents using novel models.
Ryuzo Kawamura
was born in Nara, Japan, in 1980. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in
bioengineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2005 and received
his Ph.D. in polymer science from Hokkaido University, Japan
(supervisor: Prof. J.P. Gong) in 2008. He did postdoctoral research at RIKEN
and at the National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (AIST). Currently,
he is an Assistant Professor in Department of Chemistry, Saitama University,
In 2009, he joined the Molecular and System Life Science Unit, Advanced
Science Institute, RIKEN. There he developed the Multi-scale Hierarchical
Supra-Macromolecular Gels (MHSMG) as a new type of material. His current
research interest is in coordinative and mesoscale functions of the
cytoskeletal and motor proteins with both viewpoints of material science and