"This is a wonderful first edition in a new and rapidly expanding field of human reproductive genetics. It is a useful book for its narrow-intended audience. It is an excellent resource for students, residents, and fellows. The wide range of contributors from across the globe adds to the book's fund of knowledge. I see this becoming an important resource to have in the future and I hope the authors will be able to keep it up to date given the evolving nature of the content." --Doody
1. Basic Genetics: Mitosis, Meiosis, Chromosomes, DNA, RNA and Beyond 2. Identification of Genetic Causes of Gynecologic Disorders 3. Cytogenetics 4. Molecular biology approaches utilized in pre-implantation genetics: real time PCR, microarrays, next generation sequencing, karyomapping, and others 5. Epigenetics and Imprinting In ART 6. The Quest for Genetic Sequence Variants Conferring Risk of Endometriosis 7. Genetics of PCOS 8. Male Factor Infertility: Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects 9. Mitochondrial Genetics 10. Endometrial Receptivity and Genetics 11. Genetics of Reproductive Aging and POF 12. Prenatal Testing 13. Carrier Testing in Reproductive Medicine 14. PGT-A (PB, Day 3, Day 5.) 15. Future Technologies for Pre-Implantation Genetic Applications 16. Counseling: Psychology of Genetic Diagnoses 17. Bioethics in Human Reproduction 18. The Role of Genetic Counseling in the Infertile Patient