Prologue xi1 Create from the Inside Out, Not the Outside In 32 Be a Big Dose of Vitamin C, Instead of a Germ 53 Smile 74 Neutralize Energy Vampires 95 Be a Thermostat, Not a Thermometer 116 Turn Challenges into Opportunities 137 Learn from Failure 158 Take Accountability and Make Amends 179 Live in the Moment 1910 Practice Servant Leadership 2111 Encourage Others 2312 Work out Mentally Each Day 2513 Take a Thank You Walk 2714 Live with Faith, Not Fear 2915 Have a "Get to" Mindset 3116 Help Someone Be Successful 3317 Shout Praise and Whisper Criticism 3518 Don't Be Bitter, Get Better 3719 Be Great Today 3920 Control What You Can Control 4121 Put in the Work 4322 Care More 4523 Be Vulnerable 4724 Be a Great Listener 4925 Value Time 5126 Take a Personal Inventory 5327 Clear the Clutter 5528 Practice Empathy 5729 Give Without Keeping Score 5930 Add Value 6131 Lead with Love, Not an Agenda 6332 Be a Connector 6533 Write Thank You Notes 6734 Choose to Forgive 6935 Love Tough 7136 Laugh out Loud 7337 Use Your Gifts for a Bigger Purpose 7538 Be Positive, Especially on Difficult Days 7739 Don't Let Negativity Sour Your Situation 7940 Embrace Change 8141 Enjoy the Ride 8342 Look for the Good 8543 Don't Chase Success 8744 Get Excited about Life 8945 Rise and Shine 9146 Believe in Miracles 9347 Remember That You Are a Miracle 9548 Don't Seek Happiness 9749 Be Kind 9950 Compliment Someone 10151 Spread Positive Gossip 10352 Think Like a Rookie 10553 Be a Possibility Thinker 10754 Don't Rush the Future 10955 Choose Positive Thinking 11156 Be an Over- Believer 11357 See Life as a Gift 11558 Say Please and Thank You 11759 Be Demanding, Not Demeaning 11960 Live with Integrity 12161 Delete Negativity 12362 Pray and Meditate 12563 Love the Process 12764 Fuel Your Life with Purpose 12965 Love Serve Care 13166 Talk to Yourself 13367 Remember When You Succeeded 13568 Tap into the Power of Perspective 13769 Be a Problem Solver 13970 Focus on Solutions, Not Complaints 14171 Leave a Place Better than You Found It 14372 Be a Great Team Member 14573 Communicate Responsively 14774 Build a Great Team 14975 Wake up Unplugged 15176 Use "I Am" Statements 15377 Have a Windshield Mentality 15578 Be Humble and Hungry 15779 Make the Next Opportunity Great 15980 Make Life a Mission Trip 16181 Look to Be Useful 16382 Don't Overthink 16583 Keep Getting Up 16784 Be a Truth Seeker 16985 Be a Lifelong Student 17186 Pay It Forward 17387 Have No Enemies 17588 Face Your Fears 17789 Stay Calm When Communicating 17990 Laugh at Yourself 18191 Read Books 18392 See the Best in People 18593 See Potential, Not Limitations 18794 Have an Abundant Mindset 18995 Tell Me Something Good 19196 Be a Hero 19397 Have Only Good Days 19598 Be You 19799 Meet People Where They Are 199100 Be Present 201101 Be Punctual 203102 Be Prepared 205103 Become a Love Magnet 207104 Rise above Your Circumstances 209105 Remember Where You Came From 211106 Believe People Can Change 213107 Don't Let Critics into Your Head and Don't Let Praise Go to Your Head 215108 Keep Your Vision Alive 217109 Give Yourself Credit 219110 Take the High Road 221111 Finish Strong 223Other Books by Jon Gordon 224Other Books by Damon West 234
JON GORDON has inspired millions of readers around the world. He is the author of 28 books, including five children's books and thirteen bestsellers. He is passionate about developing positive leaders, organizations, and teams. Visit him at WEST is a keynote speaker and bestselling coauthor of The Coffee Bean, The Coffee Bean for Kids, The Locker Room, and The Locker Room Playbook. His clients include Fortune 100 companies, NFL and NBA teams, and dozens of Division One college athletic programs. Visit him at