Offers honest and realistic advice . . . Bravo will inspire you to repair, recycle and give old items a new lease of life, all without sacrificing your style, and the planet Stylist Magazine
Lauren Bravo is a freelance journalist who writes about fashion, popular culture, food, travel and feminism, for places like Grazia, Refinery29 UK, Cosmopolitan, Stylist, easyJet Traveller, Time Out,Delicious, the Telegraph and the Guardian. She was The Pool's 'Wardrobe Stories' columnist. Her first book, What Would The Spice Girls Do? was published by Transworld in 2018. In 2019, Lauren went on a year-long fast fashion ban. She volunteers in a charity shop once a week (partly to get first dibs on all the best clothes). Lauren has written about fashion since 2009, and about changing the way that we shop since 2016. She is on Twitter and Instagram as @laurenbravo.