"I recommend this book not only to scholars and to admirers of outlaws and bikers, but also to academics who are trying to comprehend and challenge the contemporary political ecology, and to activists who are seeking to improve their political repertoire and image. For bikers have a lot to teach the left." (Christina Jerne, Crime Media Culture, July 29, 2019)
Chapter One: Outlaws and Supporters
Chapter Two: Sublime and Power
Chapter Three: Sovereignty and the Political
Chapter Four: Sacred and Symbolic Immortality
Chapter Five: Solidarity and Sacrifice
Tereza Kuldova is a social anthropologist and Researcher at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo, Norway. She is the author of Luxury Indian Fashion: A Social Critique (2016), editor of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and Street Gangs: Scheming Legality, Resisting Criminalization (2018), and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Extreme Anthropology.
This book asks a critical question for our times: why do people today, in increasing numbers, support, admire and aspire to be outlaws? Outlaw motorcycle clubs have grown, spread and matured. Popular culture glamorizes them; law enforcement agencies fight them; the media vilify them. Meanwhile, wealthiest in our society exploit the current cultural and economic climate to attract new members. How Outlaws Win Friends and Influence People argues that the growth of these anti-establishment groups under neo-liberalism is not coincidental, but inevitable. What needs and desires do the clubs satisfy? How do they win support and influence? This book seeks to answer this crucial question, the answers to which will help policy makers and activists successfully fight the social harms caused by these groups, as well as the harms that underlie their proliferation. Unless we understand the cultural dynamic at play, our fight against these organizations will always take the form of a battle against the mythological Hydra: when one head is cut off, two more grow.
“Tereza Kuldova is a rebel witha cause - her new book is a razor-sharp critique of stereotypical conceptions of the ‘outlaw biker’ and provides refreshing insights into their subjective life-worlds” - Daniel Briggs, author of the award-winning Dead-End Lives.