Introduction: How Does Disability Performance Travel?
Christiane Czymoch, Kate Maguire-Rosier, and Yvonne Schmidt
Prologue Neil Marcus: Storm Reading Tour Introduced by Petra Kuppers and Raquel Escobar
Part One: The Politics of Touring and Travelling
1. Putting Myself into People’s Space: A Performer’s Journey Through World Stages Nadia Adame
2. The Journey of Maui and Different Light: Fellow Travelling and Learning-Disabled Theatre Tony McCaffrey
3. Travel Poetics Felipe Henrique Monteiro Oliveira
4. How Disability Performance Travels in Australia: The Reality Under the Rhetoric Bree Hadley, with Eddie Paterson, Madeleine Little, and Kath Duncan
Part Two: International Flows and Cultural Settings
5. The Travels of The Apartment Alexandra Dunaeva
6. Teatro Patologico Abroad: A Medea for International Audiences Joseph Paul Hill
7. How Disability Performances Travel within Taiwan: Sustaining Confrontations and Letting Differences Coexist in I am a normal person No.1 and No.2 I-Lien Ho Part Three: Embodying Spaces, Mobilizing Environments
8. Unsettling Sitting Modes of Living: The Disability of Sitting as Creative Environmental Mobility Ciane Fernandes
9. Travel, Mobility, and Kinetic Hierarchies in Disability Performance Megan Johnson
10. Building Communities Online: #DisabilityTwitter and Digital Mobility Jessica Watkin
11. The Animacy of Ekphrasis: Documenting Performance as Acts of Unfurling Reciprocity Bronwyn Preece
Part 4: Local, Site-Specific Work, Microcosms, and the Periphery
12. HAPPY ISLAND and the Islands within the Island Henrique Amoedo, Diogo Gonçalves, Paula Lebre, and Elisabete Monteiro
13. The Travels of a Municipal Theatre Group for People with Learning Disabilities: Attempts at Subverting the Axes of Injustice Vibeke Glørstad
14. Optimistic Becomings: Learning Disability Performance Outward Bound Margaret Ames
Christiane Czymoch works in the field of media accessibility and is a Researcher at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Kate Maguire-Rosier is Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Drama Department at the University of Manchester.
Yvonne Schmidt is a Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator of the research projects “Aesthestics of the Im/Mobile” and “EcoArtLab” at the Bern Academy of the Arts.