»Die Autor_innen [beschränken sich] nicht darauf, Vulnerabilität und politische Defizite herauszustellen, sondern bieten stets auch mögliche Antworten sowie Bewältigungspotenziale und akzentuieren Widerstand bzw. Handlungsfähigkeit der Wohnenden.« https://www.centrum3.at, 1 (2021)
Ley, AstridAstrid Ley is chair of International Urbanism and course director of the international master program MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) at the University of Stuttgart. She also works as an urban development consultant to bilateral and international development agencies (oikos human settlement research group). She holds a degree in architecture and urban design from RWTH Aachen and a PhD from TU Berlin. Her expertise and publication record include topics related to urbanization in the Global South, housing processes, the role of local governance, participation, co-production, and civil society.