ISBN-13: 9781640792388 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 70 str.
ISBN-13: 9781640792388 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 70 str.
There’s a mid-sized trailer that sets its wheels down on the fairground every year, and on that trailer is a little room. In that little room, there are about thirty mirrors that are designed to be a confusing maze, and a challenge to escape from, once entered.The object of this house of mirrors is to see if you can walk through the maze of mirrors and get out on the other end without getting lost inside that maze of illusions. When I was a young child, I would get stuck in that maze so many times. I would always get fooled by the illusion that there was a way out right in front of me. But again, I would walk straight ahead, and bam! I would hit another mirror! Clearly, not the way out!Every year, I would go back to the fair to try it again. Each time I would ultimately find my way out, but not without a few knots on my forehead and a few tears of frustration. Why did I keep torturing myself, you may ask? Well, that’s an easy answer for me. I would think about this House of Mirrors all year long between fairs, and I just really wanted to figure this out! I was pretty bent on knowing there must be an easier way to do this. A rocket scientist, I’m not; however, there are always great lessons to be learned in the process of figuring things out.Even though I spent many tickets at the fair during my childhood years trying to continually master this House of Mirrors, I just never felt like I really conquered it as a kid. There was always something missing. I haven’t been in one of those House of Mirrors for many years now. It’s been a couple of years since God showed me what I’m about to tell you, but the message came at a very opportune time in my life—when I really needed it, of course, because that’s how God is and that is when He talks to me! Because He’s cool like that.