1. Hormones and Perinatal Development 2. Hormones of Programmed Cell Death 3. Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones 4. Neurosteroids; Biosynthsis, Molecular Mechanisms, and Neurophysiological Functions in the Human Brain 5. Neurotrophins 6. The Pineal as a Gland, and Melatonin as a Hormone 7. Anterior pituitary: Glycoproteins of the Gonadotropes (FSH & LH) and Thyrotropes (TSH) 8. Anterior pituitary and Pars Intermedia Space: Corticotropes (ACTH) and Melanotropes (MSH) 9. Anterior pituitary: Lactotropes (Prl) and Somatotropes (GH) 10. Posterior Pituitary Hormones 11. Hormones and Neuronal Ion Channels 12. Hormonal Regulation of the Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) and Other Non-neuronal Ion Channels 13. Thymosins 14. Heart Hormones 15. Stomach Hormones 16. Intestinal Hormones 17. Pancreatic Hormones 18. Liver Hormones 19. The Endocrine Kidney: Local and Systemic Actions of Renal Hormones 20. Adipose Derived Hormones 21. Thyroid Hormones 22. Parathyroid Hormones 23. Hormones and Hormone Precursors in Skin 24. Hormones of the Testes 25. Ovarian Hormones 26. Muscle Hormones 27. Hormones from Bone 28. Adrenal Cortex Hormones 29. Adrenal Medulla Hormones 30. Overproduction of Hormones by Pituitary Tumors 31. Hormonal Effects on Tumors