ISBN-13: 9781536187878
In this compilation, the authors review studies that have been carried out using c-Fos as an activity marker for spatial navigation, discussing how this tool has helped researchers to unveil the brain's functioning. Brain regional ensembles in object novelty recognition are discussed as part of recognition memory. A broad review of neuroanatomical and functional pathways underlying these processes is provided, with special emphasis on the role played by the perirhinal cortex, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex, among others. The "Pro-Truth Pledge" is proposed as an intervention for the deterioration of truth in democracies around the globe, combining behavioral science research with crowdsourcing to help address this problem. The recent proteomics discoveries of degenerative protein modifications and their role in aging and age-associated processes are examined, particularly focusing on how these interventions could extend lifespan and be applied as targeted therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. The authors go on to investigate the effects of various chemicals in the developing brain to raise awareness of the possible effects and outcomes of chemical exposure. A case of auditory agnosia, a type of central deafness commonly seen in cases of bilateral temporal cerebral lesions, is discussed, and a literature review regarding this condition is provided.