'We live in an age when in every decade one day occurs - such as 9/11 or 24 February - after which matters taken firmly for granted yesterday are abruptly swept away. It is the rare sociological genius of Zygmunt Bauman that helps us to make critical sense of such liquidity.'Claus Offe'Among émigré intellectuals, ranging from the Frankfurt School to Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin, Zygmunt Bauman stands out for his intimate knowledge and experience of "really existing socialisms" and their demise after 1989. In this new essay collection, drawn from his archives, we experience the sizzling quality of his insights and the beauty of his prose as he reflects on bureaucracy, class vs status, the new anti-Semitism and much else.'Seyla Benhabib
Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017) was Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Leeds.