I Gildas and Nennius 2 Bede 3 Anglo-Saxon Chronicles 4 Anglo-Saxon Secular Narrative History and Royal Biography 5 Anglo-Saxon Sacred Biography and Local History 6 Historians of the Norman Conquest 7 Anglo-Norman Sacred Biography and Local History 8 Anglo-Norman Historians 9 William of Malmesbury 10 Historians of King Stephen's Reign II Historians of the Reigns of Henry II and Richard I: the ' Seculars' 219 12 Historians of the Reigns of Henry II and Richard I: the 'Religious' 3 Local History from the Reign of King Stephen to John 14 Sacred Biography from the Reign of Henry II to John 15 Historians of King John's Reign 16 Matthew Paris and the St Albans School of Historiography 17 Historical Writing at Bury St Edmunds in the Thirteenth Century 18 Chronicles in the Reign of Henry III 19 Chronicles in the Reign of Edward I 20 Mendicant Chronicles 21 The Chronicle of London