Contents: Modern Hindu Culture - Swami Vivekananda and Buddhism - Swami Vivekananda's Ethics of Religion - Charity in Inter-Religious Perspective - The Religion of the Iskcon Vaishnavas - The Hindu Buddha - The Presence of the Holy in the Lilanukarana - Nammalvar, God's Decoy - Vishnu - The Lord of the Sikhs: Adi Shri Guru Granth - Buddhism: An Atheistic and Anti-Caste Religion? - The Dalits - Ambedkar and the Hindu Culture - Unity of Buddhism and Hinduism.
The Author: Edmund Weber, born in 1939; studies in Comparative Religion, Protestant Theology, Philosophy, and Sociology in Marburg, Tübingen, Münster (Westphalia), and Frankfurt am Main; 1969 Doctor of Theology; 1972 Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Frankfurt am Main; 1982 Director of the Institute for Irenics; Editor of the THEION-Annual for Religious Culture.