Architecture, Networks, and Storage.- CPU Architecture Modelling and Co-design.- Illuminating the I/O Optimization Path of Scientific Applications.- Efficient Large Scale DLRM Implementation on Heterogeneous Memory Systems.- HPC Algorithms & Applications.- Efficient GPU Offloading with OpenMP for a Hyperbolic Finite Volume Solver on Dynamically Adaptive Meshes.- Shallow Water DG Simulations on FPGAs: Design and Comparison of a Novel Code Generation Pipeline.- Massively Parallel Genetic Optimization through Asynchronous Propagation of Populations.- Steering Customized AI Architectures for HPC Scientific Applications.- GPU-based Low-precision Detection Approach for Massive MIMO Systems.- A Mixed Precision Randomized Preconditioner for the LSQR Solver on GPUs.- Ready for the Frontier: Preparing Applications for the World’s First Exascale System.- End-to-end Differentiable Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations using JAX.- Machine Learning, AI, & Quantum Computing.- Allegro-Legato: Scalable, Fast, and Robust Neural-Network Quantum Molecular Dynamics via Sharpness-Aware Minimization.- Quantum Annealing vs. QAOA: 127 Qubit Higher-Order Ising Problems on NISQ Computers.- Quantum Circuit Simulation by SGEMM Emulation on Tensor Cores and Automatic Precision Selection.- Performance Modeling, Evaluation, & Analysis.- A study on the performance implications of AArch64 Atomics.- Analyzing Resource Utilization in an HPC System: A Case Study of NERSC’s Perlmutter.- Overcoming Weak Scaling Challenges in Tree-based Nearest Neighbor Time Series
Mining.- Porting numerical integration codes from CUDA to oneAPI: a case study.- Performance Evaluation of a Next-Generation SX-Aurora TSUBASA Vector Supercomputer.- Programming Environments & Systems Software.- Expression Isolation of Compiler-Induced Numerical Inconsistencies in Heterogeneous Code.- SAI: AI-Enabled Speech Assistant Interface for Science Gateways in HPC.