Foreword viiPreface xiAcknowledgments xviiChapter 1 Unlock Unprecedented Amounts of Generosity 1Chapter 2 Unlock the Most Generous Generation 15Chapter 3 The Evolution of Investable Asset Classes 31Chapter 4 Deep Dive into Cryptocurrency 43Chapter 5 Deep Dive into Stock Donations 63Chapter 6 Seven Master- Level Tactics to Maximize Giving 81Chapter 7 The Donor Experience 101Chapter 8 Maximizing Year- End Giving 125Chapter 9 Examples of Successful Organizations Unlocking Unprecedented Levels of Generosity 147Chapter 10 Unlocking Generosity Wrap- Up 165References 177Additional Resources 182About the Author 183Index 184
VANCE ROUSH is the Founder and CEO of Overflow, a Silicon Valley company that has helped over 400 nonprofits and churches raise tens of millions of dollars using their revolutionary platform and process. He is also a pastor and fundraising expert.