Contents: Preface. L.J. Harris, The Corpus Callosum and Hemispheric Communication: An Historical Survey of Theory and Research. S.F. Witelson, Neuroanatomical Bases of Hemispheric Functional Specialization in the Human Brain: Possible Developmental Factors. E. Zaidel, F. Aboitiz, J. Clarke, D. Kaiser, R. Matteson, Sex Differences in Interhemispheric Relations for Language. C. Chiarello, Does the Corpus Callosum Play a Role in the Activation and Suppression of Ambiguous Word Meanings? J. Sergent, Visualizing the Working Cerebral Hemispheres. D.B. Boles, Parameters of the Bilateral Effect. S.D. Christman, Independence versus Integration of Right and Left Hemisphere Processesing: Effects of Handedness. S.C. Levine, Individual Differences in Characteristic Arousal Asymmetry: Implications for Cognitive Functioning. M.T. Banich, Interhemispheric Interaction: Mechanisms of Unified Processing. L.C. Robertson, Hemispheric Specialization and Cooperation in Processing Complex Visual Patterns. F.L. Kitterle, S. Christman, J.S. Conesa, Spatial-Frequency Selectivity in Hemispheric Transfer. J.B. Hellige, Coordinating the Different Processing Biases of the Left and Right Cerebral Hemispheres.
Frederick L. Kitterle Department of Psychology Stephen F. Austin State University