ISBN-13: 9786206514220 / Angielski / Miękka / 52 str.
Health Education: Experience Report with Adolescents The following text is the Course Conclusion Work, presented to the Dentistry course at the Federal University of Uberlândia, as a partial requirement for obtaining the title of dental surgeon. Author: Liz Bárbara Esteves Araujo Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Liliane Parreira Tannús Gontijo Co-supervisor: Prof. Me. Nilton Pereira Júnior ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to thank my parents for always investing in the best education for me, for motivating me and supporting my decisions. Thank you to my sister for always being by my side in my saddest and happiest moments and filling my days with lots of laughter. Huge thanks to my supervisor and my co-supervisor for motivating me and showing me that there are people who believe in the same struggle as me. I would also like to thank the residents, who gave me lots of tips and suggestions, always respecting me and especially for sparing no effort to be by my side. And finally, I would like to thank all the teaching staff at the School of Dentistry, who contributed immensely to building my knowledge and showed me the various ways of practising my future profession.