Introduction; 1. The Physiology of Sensation and Literary Style; Desperate Remedies and The Rescue; 2. Facing Nature; 3. The Visible World; i. Fiction and Physics: Appearances in the Light; Far From the Madding Crowd and Lord Jim; ii. Searching Space; A Laodicean and ‘The End of the Tether’; 4. An Audible World; i. Sonic Imaging; The Return of the Native and ‘Heart of Darkness’; ii. The Sound of History; Nostromo; 5. Identity and Margin; i. Inspection, Immersion, The Mayor of Casterbridge; ii. Widening Margins; Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Nostromo; 6. Minding the Senses; Jude the Obscure and Under Western Eyes; Postscript; Bibliography.