Chapter 5: Social innovation as a vector for a good life
Part III: Duality of innovation
Chapter 6: The Luddites
Chapter 7: Creative destruction
Part IV: Key issues and future development
Chapter 8: Transhumanism, back to the future
Chapter 9: Frugal, but happy?
Chapter 10: Responsible research & innovation and innovation-care
Chapter 11: Creative goods and Resonance
Chapter 12: Towards positive innovation
Part V: Conclusion
Chapter 13: Conclusion
BM: Index
Gaël Brulé is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Geneva. He has published about thirty papers and several books on happiness and wellbeing.
Francis Munier is associate professor at the University of Strasbourg, He has published forty papers on technology and innovation.
This book asks what kind of impacts innovations and technology have on subjective well-being and happiness. It presents the state of the art both in terms of results and theoretical questioning on these topics. It proposes a new concept: innovation that leads to greater happiness, and highlights new research in this area. In so doing, it addresses a less researched area in the field of well-being research. The authors state that notwithstanding the indisputable positive contributions of innovation and technology, there are also drawbacks, which need equal attention in research.
This book is of interest to students and researchers of quality of life and well-being, as well as innovation research.