I. Jonas’s Philosophical Project
II. The Man and His Work
1. The Gnosticism of Modernity
I. The Gnostic Principle
II. Nihilism, Ancient and Modern
III. The Scientific Revolution
IV. The Age of Technology
V. The Baconian Ideal
2. The Philosophy of Life I: The Organism
I. Dualism, Materialism, Integral Monism
II. The Phenomenological Approach to Organismic Being
III. Self-Organization
IV. Behaviour
V. The Nisus of Being
3. The Philosophy of Life II: The Scala Naturae
I. Aristotle After Darwin
II. Plants
III. Animals
IV. Humans
V. Being is One
4. Values and the Good
I. The Axiological Dimension of Teleology
II. Species and the Biosphere
III. The Good of Being
IV. Moral Traditions
5. New Dimensions of Responsibility
I. Ethics, Old and New
II. The Temporal Horizon
III. Responsibility for the ‘Idea of Man’
IV. Global and Intergenerational Ethics
V. Duties to Non-Human Life
6. The Politics of Nature
I. The Nature of Politics
II. New Rules for Collective Action
III. Farewell to Utopia?
IV. Rival Interpretations of Jonas’s Politics
V. Freedom and the Republic
7. Toward a Richer Bioethics
I. The Dignity of the Person
II. Human Beings as Means
III. The Threshold of Life and Death
IV. The Future of the Human Condition
I. Humanity: The Shepherd of Beings
II. Carrying the Fire