3. Ethics Codes and Guidelines (Nathan Emmerich, Queens University, Belfast)
4. Research Ethics Review Systems: IRBs, REC, and REBs (David Hunter, Flinders University, Australia)
5. Research Integrity (James Parry, Head of UKRIO)
6. Publication Ethics (Ginny Barbour, Chair of Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE)
7. Peer Review (A journal editor from COPE)
8. Plagiarism
9. Research Fraud
10. Retraction (A journal editor from COPE)
11. The Global Position (Mark Israel, AHRECS, Australia)
Disciplines and Professions (This would cover ‘Ethics and Integrity in’… each named discipline) (21)
12. Sociology
13. Psychology (John Oates, OU, UK)
14. Lifesciences (Francois Hirsch, INSERM, Paris)
15. Anthropology
16. Criminology
17. Education
18. Politics (Phil Sooben, CEO Political Studies Association)
19. History
20. Art
21. Literature
22. Economics
23. Physics
24. Chemistry
25. Engineering
26. Nanotechnology (Costas Charitidis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
27. Business/Management Studies (Paul t’Hart, Dept of Management/Business Studies, U of Utrecht)
28. Medicine
29. Nutritional Science (T. Colin Campbell, Cornell University, USA)
30. Sport and Exercise Science
31. Transport (UITP, Brussels)
32. Travel (Simon Reeve, BBC, UK)
33. Musicology (Simon Frith, Observer music critic and Chair of Mercury Prize)
Key Topics in Research Ethics (These are the conventional issues that crop up both in review and in the field.) (9)
34. Informed Consent
35. Privacy
36. Security
37. Benefit sharing - research with LMICs (Doris Schroeder, UCLAN, Melbourne, Cyprus)
38. Internet and social media (Charles Ess, U of Oslo)
39. Deception
40. Data Protection (Tobias Schulte in den Bäumen, Germany)
41. Intellectual Property Rights (U of Leuven
42. Place hacking/psychogeography
Research Methods (Distinct research methods raise some overlapping but some unique issues.) (8)
43. Data sharing and data archiving (Libby Bishop, UK Data Archive)
44. Big Data
45. Ethnography (Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont, U. Cardiff, UK)
46. Survey Methods and Questionnaires
47. Experimental Methods
48. Observational Studies
49. Creative Methods (Helen Kara, Independent Researcher, UK)
50. Online: Internet and Social Media (Kandy Woodfield, formerly NatCen and HEA, UK)
Subjects and Participants (Different subjects/participants raise different concerns in terms of how they are accessed, recruited and ‘treated’ before, during and after the research engagement.) (12)
51. Research with and on non-human animals (Peter Singer or recommendation – or someone from the non-human animal rights organisation – Australia/USA)
54. Vulnerability (Will van den Hoonaard, U of New Brunswick, Canada)
55. Researcher Safety
56. Researching the Armed Forces (Simon Kolstoe, U of Portsmouth, UK)
57. Research with children and young people (John Oates, OU, UK)
58. Research with older people (Fiona Poland, UEA, UK)
59. People with disability (Anne Good, National Disability Authority, Ireland)
60. Research with indigenous peoples (Martin Tolich, Dunedin, New Zealand)
61. ‘Hard-to-reach’ groups (Lisa Grazina Johnston, Independent Consultant statistician/epidemiologist, USA)
62. LGBI research (Efrain Gutierrez, American Evaluation Association, Seattle, USA)
Dr. Ron Iphofen is an Independent Research Consultant, a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences, the Higher Education Academy, and the Royal Society of Medicine. Since retiring as Director of Postgraduate Studies in Health Sciences at Bangor University, his major activity has been as an adviser to several agencies within the European Commission for both the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and Horizon 2020, and a range of governmental and independent research institutions internationally such as in France for L’Agence nationale de recherche (ANR), in Canada for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and in Ireland for the National Disability Authority (NDA) of the Ministry of Justice. He was Vice Chair of the UK Social Research Association and convenes their Research Ethics Forum. He has advised theUK Research Integrity Office and the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology among many others. He has advised on several major EC projects including the RESPECT project (on pan-European standards in the social sciences) and SECUR-ED (on passenger transport security). He currently leads a 3-year EU-funded project influencing policy on research ethics and scientific integrity across all nonmedical sciences: the PRO-RES Project. Ron founded the gerontology journal Quality in Ageing and Older Adults. His books include Ethical Decision Making in Social Research: A Practical Guide, Palgrave Macmillan (2009/2011), and the book series Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, Emerald (2017); he coedited with Martin Tolich The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics (2018).