ISBN-13: 9783030572808 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 / 5400 str.
ISBN-13: 9783030572808 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 / 5400 str.
Agricultural Climate Atlas for Kajiado and Kiambu Counties, Kenya
Agricultural Extension in Environmental Issues Discourse: Case of Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Agricultural Resilience to Climate Change in Burkina Faso: New Methodological Tools for Innovative Approaches
Analysis of international yield modelling approaches to ensure adaptation under different climate futures and spatiotemporal scales for semi-arid developing countries
Antioxidant Defense System and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Interplay in Plants Under Drought Condition
Biochar Deployment Drivers and Barriers in Least Developed Countries
Biochar Enhances the Capacity of Climate-Smart Agriculture to Mitigate Climate Change
Biotechnology Role in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Sustainable Crop ProductionBrachiaria Grass for Sustainable Livestock Production in Rwanda under Climate Change
Challenges and Prospects for Sugarcane Biorefineries in Mitigating Climate Change
Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Building Through Small Grains Production in Tsholotsho, Zimbabwe
Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation of Smallholder Farming System in Mid-Ghana
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Food Security of Smallholder Farmers in the Rural Adansi North District of Ghana
Climate Change and Food Security in Smallholder Farming Households of Kogi State, Nigeria
Climate change extent and dipteran pollinators diversity in Africa
Climate Change-Driven Postharvest Losses and Household Food Security in Kayonza District, Rwanda
Climate Change Mitigation : Understanding the Distribution, Stock and Dynamics of Soil Organic Carbon in the Ethiopian Highlands
Climate Variability and Its Impacts on the Performance of Elite Uganda Maize Parental Lines
Climate variability and rice yeild : Climatology approach to food security
Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA): An Integrated Approach for Climate Change Management in the Agriculture Sector
Climate-Smart DSS for Future Crop Water Demand in Malaysia
Co-Benefits of CDM’s Renewable Energy Projects in India and Their Contribution to SDGs
Coping and Adapting to Climate Risks and Impacts: The Role of Assets and Institutions in Agricultural Livelihoods in Semiarid Ghana
Corporate Social Responsibility Online: Designing High-Performance Websites Simultaneously Reducing Their CO2 Emission Impact
Determinants of choice of climate change adaptation strategies amongst small-scale crop-livestock farmers: Case study of limpopo province, South Africa
Dynamic Modeling of Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Lands and Water Resources
Ecological Agriculture’s Potential in Building the Resilience of Smallholder Agricultural Soils Under a Changing Climate
Ecological engineering to mitigate eutrophication in the flooding zone of the river Nyong, CameroonEffects of Climate Change on Yam Production in South-South Nigeria
Enhancing Food Security Through Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Policy in Nigeria
Fate of Coastal Aquifers under the Changing Climate and Hydrologic Extremes: Review and Modeling Scenarios
Frugal Eco-innovation for Addressing Climate Change in Emerging Countries: Case of Biogas Digester in Indonesia
Global Warming and Drought, Agriculture, Water Resources, and Food Security: Impacts and Responses from the Tropics
Impact Assessment of Rainfall Variability on Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Yield in Southwestern Nigeria
Impact of Animal Origin Food Production on Climate Change and Vice Versa: Analysis from a Meat and Dairy Products PerspectiveImpact of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies Practiced by Small-Scale Farmers
Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production in Serbia
Impacts of Floods and Riverbank Erosions on the Rural Lives and Livelihoods Strategies in Bangladesh: Evidence from Kurigram
Indigenous Weather Forecasting Systems: Implication to Agricultural Activities in Gog District, Southwest Ethiopia
Inequalities in Access to Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies, Infrastructure, and Institutional Services in Africa: Evidence from Malawi and Ethiopia
Integrated Soil Fertility Management Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Enhanced Crop Productivity
Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation in Irrigation Through Diffusion of Solar Energy Technology: A Case from the Northwest BangladeshIrrigation Practices in Moderately Warm Arid Areas of Sub-Sahara Africa
Lacking Policies and Legal Rules on Bio and Agrobiodiversity for adapting Globalized Climate Change: Case Study of Chile
Management of Agricultural Lands for Sustainable Crop Cultivation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Micro-level Dynamics of Climate Risks Adaptation in a Semi-arid Agroecology
Mobile Apps and Digital Games for Young People to Bridge the Knowledge Gap in Climate Change Adaptation Measures
Monitoring Adaptation Using Earth Observations in View of the “Global Stocktake”
Organic Carbon in Tropical Soils: Current Trends and Potential for Carbon Sequestration in Nigerian Cropping SystemsPioneering Anticipatory Climate Change Management: A Pilot Study on World Vision’s Early Warning Early Action System (EWEAS)
Reducing Vulnerability of Rain-fed Cereal Production through Crop Simulation Modelling
Responses of Cereal Farmers to Drought in Guinea Savannah Ecological Zone of Nigeria
Rural Renaissance, Multifunctional Landscapes, and Climate Adaptation: Trilogy Proposal from Grassroots Innovation and Participatory Action Research Projects
Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture Through Interdisciplinary Research-for-Development: Learning from South and Southeast Asia’s Rice-Based Systems
Smallholder Farmers’ Livelihood Strategies and Determinants of Climate Change Adaptation: Perspectives from the Middle Zambezi Biosphere Reserve, Zimbabwe
Strengthening Smallholder Farmers’ Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change: Roles of Community Seedbanks
Sustainable Agricultural Practices as a Response to Climate Change in Northern Ethiopia
Sustainable Rural Development Model to Face Climate Changes, and Sustain Cashew Production, in Mozambique
Techno-Economic Assessment of Biochar Production from Sewage Sludge as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy
Transitioning to a Low GHG Emissions Future for Agriculture in India: A Daunting Challenge
A Time Series Analysis of the Nexus Between Climate Change and Cassava Production in Southwest Nigeria
Accelerating Climate Action Beyond Company Gates
Adaptation and Drafting of International and National Legal Rules at the National Level: Latin American ContributionAddressing Climate Change Risks: Importance and Urgency
Analysis of How International Finance is Supporting Planned Adaptation Priorities in Least Developed Countries
Analysis of International Climate Change Agreements in the Context of Latin America and the Caribbean
Assessment of Climate Change-Induced Migration of Crop Farmers in Northern Nigeria
Between Making Money and Driving Change: How Impact Investors Are Cultivating Middle Ground in Climate Finance
Causality Between Temperature, Precipitation, and Civil Disorder in the Mediterranean Countries: Comparative Analysis
Characteristics and Determinants of the Resilience of Smallholder Farmers: Lessons from Application of the RIMA II Methodology in Eastern AfricaClimate Adaptation by International Multidisciplinary Knowledge Exchange: Sharing Challenges and Solutions in ClimateCafés in the Philippines and Peru
Climate Change and Depopulated Rural Areas in the Global North: Geographical Socio-political Processes and Resistances
Climate Change and Performance in Brazilian Industrial Companies
Climate Change Governance: Customary Law and Rural Women
Climate Change Impact on Rural-Urban Inter-Dependence and Community Adaptation Response: Case Study with Aba City and its Environs
Climate Change Implications on Food Security: The Case of the Fisheries Sector in Cameroon
Climate Change Leadership in the Logistics IndustryClimate Change Management in the Dairy Production Sector
Climate Change, Cultural Manifestation and the Principle of Hope, Based on Ernst Bloch’s Theoretical Proposal
Climate Change, Water Security, and Conflict Potentials in South Africa: Assessing Conflict and Coping Strategies in Rural South Africa
Climate Change-Induced Migration in Bangladesh: Existing Research and Research Gap
Climate Change: Land Use and Water Management Practices by Small Holding Farmers in Kayunga District, Uganda
Climate vulnerability and the perceived impact on the Namibian Rock Lobster Fishery
Climate-Induced Displacement and Human Migration Landscape in Bangladesh
Combating climate change with solar power while facilitating economic and social development: A case study from Bihar, IndiaCommunity Adaptation to Climate Change in Malawi : Conceptual and Strategy Ambivalences
Economic impact of climate change on agriculture: Case of Africa
Environmental Disasters Induced Climate Refugees in Bangladesh
Escaping the Climate Wrath, COVID-19: Case of Transformative Climate Adaptation Planning in Nuapada, Odisha
Evaluating costs and benefits of farm-level disaster and climate risk management good practices
Evaluating the Development Trend of Flood Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Nigeria
Exploring Synergies Between Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Policies in PakistanFactors Affecting Rural Communities’ Adaptation Choices to Climate Change Effects in Southwest Bangladesh
Factors Influencing Extension Agents’ Competence on Climate Smart Practices in South West Nigeria: Implication for Rendering Effective Resilient Advisory Services
Financial Inclusion, Financial Resilience, and Climate Change Resilience
Flood and Erosion Risk Assessment Mapping
From the Underwater to City Slums
Gender Differences in Perceived Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change Effects on Arable Crop Production in Enugu State, Nigeria
Households’ Willingness to Pay for the Use of Improved Cookstove as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy in Nigeria
Impacts of climate change on domestic water and population's adaptation strategies in the semi-arid region of Kenya
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Situating Culture, Identity, and Place in Climate Change Risk Mitigation and Resilience
Induced impacts of climate change on livelihood and migration in upper Himalayas : Case of Mustang, Nepal
Influence and mitigation to climate changes for local territorial communities
Interdisciplinary Approach to Climate Change: Intersecting Environmental Social Work and Sociology in Climate Change Interventions from an Afrocentric Perspective
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines for Emissions Estimation Among Lagos Commercial Vehicles
Leveraging Private Finance for Climate Change Adaptation in Africa: Policy Insights from the One-Planet NetworkLivelihood and Pluvial Flood: Case of Urban Poor in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Local Adaptation Strategies in Combating Flooding in Fisheries and Aquaculture in Nigeria
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Pro-Poor Development Initiatives: Evidence from Local Economic Development Programmes in Ghana
Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Roads Infrastructure in the City of Tshwane
Managing Urban Traffic Emissions with Focus on People and Atmospheric Impacts
Migration as a Determinant for Climate Change Adaptation: Implications on Rural Women in Muzarabani communities, Zimbabwe
Municipalities in Transition: Experimenting a New Governance System for Tackling Climate ChangeNexus between providers and users of green finance: Case study of commercial banks in Mauritius
Precaution with Added Value: Climate Adaptation in Small- and Medium-Sized Towns in the Stuttgart Region
Protection for “Climate Migrants”: Global Challenges and a Call for Political Leadership
Psychosocial Dimensions of Culture-Climate Connect in India and France
Renewable Energy Potential, Energy Access, and Climate Change Mitigation in Ethiopia
Sectorial Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Benin
Selecting Appropriate Climate Adaptation Interventions: The Case of Cash Transfers for Rural Smallholders
Social challenges of the climate-induced migration in Maldives
Solar Power as Climate Change Management Option in Sierra Leone: Drivers and Barriers for Deployment
Sovereign Green Bonds in Poland
Sustainable Life Culture for Climate Change, or What Everyone Can Do to Counteract Climate Change and to Adapt to It
Understanding the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change on Women Through the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus in Nigeria
Venezuela, Oil and Climate Change: Overcoming Nostalgia
A Least Regrets Framework for Coastal Climate Change Resiliency Through Economic Development
Adaptation Approaches for Conservation in Protected Areas’ Management: Altai-Sayan Ecoregion (Russia)
Adaptation in São Paulo Coastal Zone: Climate Change Management and Anticipatory Governance
Adapting to Climate Change: Green Areas in Cities as Cooling Safeguards
Coastal Dynamics and Polder Management in the Context of Climate Change in the Southern Part of Bangladesh
Forest Resource Use and Management in Nigeria: Implications for Implementation of REDD+ for Climate Change Mitigation in West Africa
Impact of climate change induced salinity alteration on ichthyoplankton diversity of Indian Sundarbans
Impacts of climate and land use change on surface water content and quality in low-lying coastal areas of Bangladesh
Long-Term Species Diversity and Climate Change: An Intimate Relationship Over the Last Ten Decades : Case Study in Egypt
Overview of Climate Change Management in a Developing Country, India
Participatory Process for Implementing Ecosystem-based Adaptation in a Mountainous District of Nepal
Political Economy of Forest Degradation and Climate Changes in Kenya: Case Study of the Maasai Mau Forest
Projection of the Effectiveness of Alternative Forest Management Strategies in Climate Change Mitigation in Malawi
Protection and Restoration of Ecosystems: Restoring the Carbon Cycle Balance
Regional Law and Policy Responses to Ocean Acidification in the South Pacific
Rehabilitation and Relocation Program for Climate Displaced People of Bangladesh
Resilience Building Solutions for Mountain Smallholders: Catalyzing Transformations with an Integrated Modular Approach in the Hindu Kush HimalayaSoil Contamination in an Urban Low-Income Community in Ibadan, Nigeria: Climate-Driven Changes
Stored Carbon in Urban Trees: Ground Zero Observation from the Konnagar Area of West Bengal, India
Subnational Governance of Climate Change
Tale of Two Barrier Islands: Climate Change Management Challenges and Opportunities in Miami Beach FL and Shishmaref AK
Thermal Comfort and Vulnerability of Residents to Heat Stress in Ikare, Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria
Toward Modeling Flood Risk-Related Decisions That Deal with Climate Changes in Urban Areas: A Multidimensional Approach
Transitioning from Vulnerability to Resilience Building: Climate Change in Africa
Unconventional Local Climate Change Niche in Mauritius
Understanding Alteration to Surface Cover in developing Urban Heat Island: Enhancing City Climate Change Adaptation Capacity, Quezon City, Philippines
Urban and Building Rules and Climate Change Planning: Case Study of Zlatibor Nature Park
Urban Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Chennai City, India
Valuation of Ecosystem Service to Adapting Climate Change: Case Study from Northeastern Bangladesh
Adaptation Requires Participation: Criteria and Factors for Successful Stakeholder Interactions in Local Climate Change Adaptation
Applying Systems Thinking in Education to Foster Adaptive Capacity and Move Toward Resilient Rural Communities in Mexico
Assessment of Disaster Risk Reduction Practices in MauritiusAttitudes Towards Climate Change in a Rural District in Zimbabwe: Indications from Guruve District
Awareness About Climate Change: The Case of Forestry Students in a Greek University
Barriers and Limits to Climate Change Management for Locally Developed Adaptation Strategies: Case Study of Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe District, Zimbabwe
Barriers and Limits to Climate Change Management in Developing Countries: Case Study of Kenya, Eastern African Region
Beliefs and Concerns About Global Warming Among Higher Education Students
Beyond “Expert Knowledge”: Locals and Experts in a Joint Production of Weather App and Weather Information for Farming in the Volta Delta, Ghana
Building Capacity Through Deliberative DiscussionBuilding Climate Resilience of Smallholder Family Farms by Implementing Integrated Soil and Water Management Strategies in Trinidad and Tobago
Building Resilience in African Hotspots: Learning from Collaborative Research
Climate Change Adaptation in Africa, Asia and Europe with the citizen science ClimateScan Platform promoting Nature-Based Solutions
Climate Change Adaptation Option Research with Big Data: Results from a Choice Experiment Conducted in Tahoua State, Niger Republic
Climate Change and Awareness of the I-World Relationship from Erwin Schrödinger’s Non-dualist Conception
Climate change and immovable cultural heritage in kenya: Impact and response strategies
Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals Program in IndonesiaClimate Change and the Fulani: Reducing Vulnerabilities of Herders to Climate Change through Climate Change Adaptation Planning in rural Ghana
Climate Change Mitigation Through Grass Roots Level Execution Strategy by Developing a Value Chain of Chir Pine Forest Bio Residue Briquettes in the Western Himalayan Region
Climate Change, Climate Informatics, and AI: Information Analysis
Climate Change, Debate and Dimensions of Coping Strategies
Climate Change, Perceptions, and Adaptation Responses Among Farmers and Pastoralists in the Cameroon Highlands
Climate Change: A New Literary Education for a New Look at Our Environment
Climate Sentinels Program: Meeting the Challenge of Regional Biodiversity Conservation Adaptation to Climate ChangeClimate Services for Urban Planning and Urban Eco-Audit in Germany
Community-Based Human Ecological Research for Climate Change Adaptation: Taking Faith and Culture Seriously
Creatively Dealing with Multiple Stressors from the Rural Grassroots: Case Study in Spain
Critical Factors that Hinder Integration of CCA and DRR: Global Perspective
Cuba’s Response to Climate Change: Mitigation Lessons from Caribbean SIDS
Decolonizing REDD+ for Climate Change Mitigation: Case Study of Costa Rica’s Cultural Mediators Program
Determinants of Maize Farmers’ Access to Climate Information Services in Ghana
Developing Future Scenarios for Climate Change Adaptation Policy: Case study of Farming Community in JapanDevelopment, Current Status, and Outlook for the Residential Solar Market in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico
Driving Climate Change into the Devolution and Transformation Agenda: Some Insights from Zimbabwe
Enabling Reflexive Decision-Making Towards Transformative Adaptation
Enhancing Self-determined/Socio-Ecological Resilience to Flooding in marginalised communities of Ecuador and Peru
Enhancing the Role of Indigenous Institutions in Adaptation to Climate Change in Borana Pastoral and Agropastoral Systems, South Ethiopia
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration: Community Driven, Low Cost and Scalable Reforestation Approach for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Farmers’ Perceptions and their Implications to Climate-Proof Food Security ProgrammesFrom Commissioned Reports to Co-production Processes: The Evolution of Urban Climate Policy-Making Through the Case of Barcelona
How Youth Brought Their Water Back and Built Long-Term Community Adaptive Capacity: A Case Study from Costa Rica
Impacts, Drivers, and Future Adaptation Opportunities for a Warming Pakistan: Learnings from an Industrialized City
Incorporating Just Transition Strategies in Developing Countries Nationally Determined Contributions
Innovations in Behavioral Science to Accelerate Transformative Climate Change Management
Insights for Building Institutional Capacities for Climate Change Adaptation: Evidence from Mexico
Institutional Arrangements in Changing Climate: Case of ZimbabweInstitutional Barriers and Transformation to Climate Change Management in Emerging Coastal Megacities: A Case Study from Guangzhou, China
Institutional Barriers to Low-Carbon Development in Developing Countries
Interrogating Emergent Climate Communication Discourses in India
Knowledge, Visions, and Responses to Climate Change in a Ch’ ol Indigenous Community in Chiapas, Mexico
Learning for Change During the Global Climate Crisis: Exploring the (Noneconomic) Impact of Education for Sustainability Using the Eden Project as a Case Study
Living with Climate Change in ASALs: Integrating Scientific Forecasts with Indigenous Knowledge
Local Perception of Climate Change in the Pacific Islands: fetogi i te natula on Wallis IslandMainstreaming of Climate Change Adaptation in Moroccan Companies: Tools, Teachings, and Perspectives
Making Meaning from Reality: Uncovering the Paradox of Human Mobility as Climate Change Adaptation Response
Managing Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Latin America and the Caribbean: Institutions, Challenges, and Opportunities
Managing Climate Migrants’ Inflows: Case Study of Greece
Mapuche Spirituality and Its Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation
Multi-stakeholder dialogue to co-design anticipatory adaptation: Lessons from Participatory Scenario Planning in Africa
Networks for Resilience: Role of Social Capital in Climate Change Adaptation in Chishawasha, ZimbabweOzone and Climate Change Communication: Belarus Experience
Perceptions of Citizens Regarding the Danger Posed by Climate Change: The Case of Greece
Perceptions of Climate Threats of 21 Municipal Authorities Compared to the Disasters Observed in Puebla, Mexico
Projects Implemented and Lessons Learnt from the New Water Paradigm
Public health early warning system responses to extreme weather events in Lesotho: Experiences, lessons and the future
Rural Climate Change Experiences in Nigeria and Africa: Post-Millennia Methods and Findings
Smallholder Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change in Tropical African Rural Communities: A Primer for Collaborative Policy InterventionSocial Media Management by Climate Change Organizations for Public Relations
Strengthening Women’s Right to Participation in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Africa
The Role of Latin American Universities in the Face of the Environmental Crisis and Climate Change
Training and Managing Local Coastal Mangrove Dwellers for Climate Change Solutions
Transformative Leadership and Transdisciplinary Research: Synergies to Address Climate Change
Trauma-Informed Approach to Climate Change
Vulnerability to Climate Change and Indigenous People in the Amazon Region
Women Self-Help Groups and Climate Change in the Grassroots: Evidences from Thiruvarur District, South IndiaYoung People and Their (Mis)conceptions on Climate Change Adaptation
Walter Leal Filho holds the chairs of Climate Change Management at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and Environment and Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). He directs the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainability Development and Climate Change Management.” His main research interests are in the fields of sustainable development and climate change, also including aspects of climate change and health. He has over 30 years’ experience on climate change projects and directs the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme.
Johannes M. Luetz is the research chair at Christian Heritage College (CHC), an independent higher education provider in Brisbane, Australia. He has consulted extensively for World Vision International on research projects raising awareness of the growing effects of demographic, environmental, and climate change on vulnerable communities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He was raised in Sierra Leone and Switzerland; cares deeply about poverty reduction, holistic education, justice, and equity; and has researched and published conceptually and empirically in these areas. He is a big-picture thinker and has interdisciplinary research interests at the science-faith and science-policy interface. This interest has resulted in several authored and edited books, including Beyond Belief: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches to Climate-Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands (Springer, 2021), Innovating Christian Education Research: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Springer, 2021), and Planet Prepare (WVI, 2008), among others. He was also involved as an author and section editor on Quality Education: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Springer, 2020), the largest editorial project on sustainable development ever undertaken, and the world’s most comprehensive publication on the United Nations SDGs – Vol. 4. addresses SDG 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Dr. Luetz is an adjunct academic in the School of Social Sciences at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney. There he also completed his PhD (environmental policy and management) in human xxxiii climate migration. His PhD research has featured in national news and documentaries (Bolivia, Bangladesh, Maldives). He has spoken at the UNSW Town & Gown annual signature dinner and has been a guest on ABC Radio National The Science Show. His research has attracted grants, prizes, scholarships, awards, and distinctions, including best thesis prize (2006), UNSW UIP Award (2009), UNSW ASPIRE Award (2012), and best paper awards (2017, 2018). Dr. Luetz convenes the Master of Social Science Leadership program at CHC, which through its research and teaching activities on change leadership seeks to give rise to equitable social transformation. Dr. Luetz is also adjunct fellow at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), deputy editor of Emerald journal IJCCSM, member of the academic board at CHC, and member of the editorial board of Springer Nature journal Discover Sustainability. He maintains an active website at
Dr. Desalegn Yayeh Ayal is an Associate Professor of Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development at the Center for Food Security Studies, College of Development Studies, Addis Ababa University. Desalegn holds a PhD degree in Geography. Desalegn serves as the Deputy Editor of International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. He has published more than 40 publications including books, book chapters, and referred journal articles. He is East Africa vice president for Interconnections for Making Africa Great Empowered and Sustainable Initiative. He is a founder and director of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP) Ethiopian Chapter. He has also presented papers on climate adaptation and related issues at many international and national conferences. His principal areas of research interest include climate change vulnerability, climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation and related issues, indigenous weather forecasting, integrated natural resources rehabilitation and management, livelihoods and food security nexus, among others. He thoroughly understands the link between natural and human induced hazards with sustainable development, and works hard to familiarize with current tools of climate change impact assessment on livelihood and the wider environment. He has been actively involved in climate resilience and integrated natural resources rehabilitation and management research, and development interventions to improve food security.
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