AcknowledgementsList of IllustrationsIntroduction
1. Sound, Resonance, the Philosophy of Qi
Ancient Chinese Acoustics
The Philosophy of Qi
Sound Explained Through Qi-Philosophy
2. A Brief History of Sound in China’s Contemporary Art
Conditions and Precursors
New Media Art After 2000
Sound Art after 2000
3. A Brief History of Electronic and Experimental Music in China
The Electronic Instrument Builders
Academic Electronic Music: Inauguration
Non-Academic Electronic and Experimental Music
4. Shanshui-Thought in Experimental Music Practice
Shanshui-Thought: An Overview
Shanshui: The Existential and the Epistemological
Making Shanshui-Thought Audible: Two Aesthetic Qualities
5. In Praise of Strange Sounds of the Shamanistic
The Minor Tradition in Ancient Chinese Culture: Shamanism and Chimei Wangliang
Acoustic Cultural Heritage and Nationalism
Huanghu and Its Two Aesthetic Operations of Resonance and Withdrawal
6. Ubiquitous Control: From Cosmic Bell, Loudspeakers to Immanent Humming
Zhang Peili and Anti-monumentality of Sound
Zhang Ding and the Military-entertainment-art Complex
Liu Chuang and the (Im)Possibility of Not Being Governed
Conclusion: Qi-Thinking, or Cybernetics: A way of Going On
Glossary of TermsBibliographyIndex