1. Benefits and disadvantages of guided surgery (flap vs. flapless)
2. Clinical preparation for guided surgery and medical imaging (different workflows, data matching, and segmentation)
3. Preoperative planning for guided surgery (implant positioning and template designs)
4. Implantation with guided surgery (full- vs. half-guided surgery)
5. Guided surgery and immediate prosthodontic restauration
6. Anatomical variations and risks during implantation
7. Complications, inaccuracies, and sources of error in full-guided surgery
8. Guided implantology in full-arch cases (prosthetic designs)
9. Guided surgery with tooth-supported templates—Clinical Cases
10. Guided surgery with temporary implant-supported templates—Clinical Cases
11. Guided surgery with soft tissue-supported templates—Clinical Cases
12. Guided surgery with immediate implantation and loading—A clinical case
13. Digital workflow after implant placement—Clinical cases
Kristian Kniha works in the private clinic for oral and maxillofacial surgery Kniha, Schlegel and colleagues in Munich. Dr. Kniha graduated from the Ludwig-Maximilians- University Munich, Germany, where he also obtained his doctorate. He spent his residency for oral surgery at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital of RWTH Aachen, Germany. Furthermore, he subsequently habilitated in oral surgery at the University Hospital of RWTH Aachen, Germany. Dr. Kniha has been an invited speaker nationally and internationally, and has published articles in leading journals in the field of oral surgery.
Karl Andreas Schlegel works in private practice in Munich, Germany. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. (Hu) Schlegel graduated at the Hannover Medical School, Germany, in 1989. He subsequently worked at the Universitäts-Zahnklinik Basel, Switzerland; the Clinic for Oral Surgery of the LMU Munich, Germany; in 1998 he graduated in medicine from Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Plastic Surgery of the FSU Jena and the Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He is Associate Professor at the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, and holds various positions at the Bavarian State Dental Association (BLZK), the Dental District Association of Munich City and County (ZBV), the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists of Bavaria (KZVB) and the German Medical Association (BÄK). He is an active member of the Association for the Promotion of Scientific Dentistry in Bavaria e.V., and the Osteology Expert Council, Osteology Foundation, Luzern, Switzerland. Prof. Schlegel has been an invited speaker nationally and internationally, and has published articles in leading journals in the field of maxillofacial surgery and implantology.
Heinz Kniha works in private practice in Munich, Germany. Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinz Kniha spent his residency as oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany, and worked the Danube University Krems, Austria. He is Associate Professor at the Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany. Prof. Dr. Dr. Kniha has been an invited speaker nationally and internationally, and has published articles in leading journals in the field of implantology.
This book is an accurate introduction to guided implantology. As practitioners with many years of experience, the authors present an important basis for scientific findings and a valid decision-making aid for digital oral surgery.
Readers are invited to learn step by step about full guided surgery. Numerous full color images demonstrate the anatomical details and risks during implantation. On top, cases are included for effective case and know-how presentation. In addition, the current literature is presented.
Overall, this work appeals to beginners and experts alike.