The morphology of LRH and oxytocin neurons.- Anatomical relationships between estrogen target sites and peptidergic-aminergic neurons: multiple activation of heterogeneous systems (MAHS).- Estradiol concentration in dopamine-? -hydroxylase containing neurons of lower brain stem demonstrated by combined autoradiography and immunohistochemistry.- Intracellular actions of gonadal steroids.- Neural estrogen receptors in the life cycle of the albino rat.- Effects of sex hormone metabolites on the secretion of gonadotropins.- Estrogen effects on LH-RH degrading brain and pituitary enzymes.- Mediators of feedback message: estrogens and/or catechol-estrogens?.- Effects of oestradiol-17? and 2-hydroxy-oestradiol-17? on LH concentration in plasma and COMT activities in hypothalamic nuclei of rats.- Gonadal steroids and brain monoamines: how do they interact?.- Steroid effects on hypothalamic-gonadotropin interactions.- Differences in negative and positive feedback of gonadal steroids on release of gonadotropins and prolactin in young and old rats.- Gonadal steroids and the control of gonadal function in seasonally breeding species.- Influence of estradiol and other gonadal steroids on central effects of Iisuride and comparable ergot derivatives.- Regulation of prolactin secretion at the pituitary level.- The role of the central nervous system in the control of the menstrual cycle of the rhesus monkey.- The limbic system and female sexual maturation.- Estrogen facilitation of lordosis behavior in the female rat.- Sex hormone dependent brain differentiation and sexual behavior.- Critical evaluation of the current concept of brain differentiation — relevance for the primate brain.- Physiology of somatosensory and estrogenic control over the lordosis reflex.- Neural structures essential for the control of prolactin surges in the female rat.- Electrophysiological and morphological properties of E2-responsive neurons.- Effects of gonadal steroids on EEG and performance in the human.- Concluding remarks on gonadal steroids and brain function.- Poster Presentations.- Effect of low doses of continuously administered catecholestrogens on peripheral and central target organs.- LHRH changes concomitant with catecholamine turnover rates in discrete hypothalamic nuclei and median eminence: effects of ovariectomy, estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) therapy and phenobarbital treatment.- Mechanisms involved in selective FSH release during estrus in the cyclic rat.- A dual effect of dopamine on both release and degradation of LH-RH by hypothalamic synaptosomes.- Serotonin: possible function in diurnal regulation of LH and prolactin release.- Effect of ACTH-induced testosterone release on the secretion of pituitary gonadotrophin and prolactin release in male pigs.- Influence of 4-hydroxyestradiol, ethyny lestradiol, estradiol and danazol on the LH-RH induced gonadotrophin release in ovariectomized rats.- Dehydrotestosterone and estradiol regulating the activity of 3?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the pituitary gland of the rat: action of antiestrogens.- Circulating steroid levels and brain neurotransmitter concentrations in the midterm human fetus.- Comparison of estrogenic versus anti-estrogenic influences on postnatal defeminization and masculinization of the rat brain.- Effect of estradiol on catecholamine turnover and on the activities of catecholamine degrading enzymes in brain areas of ovariectomized rats.- Chinning in male Tupai Belangeri and its hormonal modification in short- and long-term castrates.- Interactions of catecholoestrogens with oestrogen receptors of rat pituitary and hypothalamus.- Direct effect of 2-hydroxy-oestradiol-17? on the hypothalamus and the control of LH secretion.- Effects of 2-hydroxyoestradiol and dopamine on the release of prolactin and luteinising hormone from rat pituitary glands in vitro.- Involvement of GABA in negative feedback action of estradiol.- The role of substance P, neurotensin and arginine vasotocin in the control of gonadotrophin secretion.- Gonadal steroids in the amygdala — differential effects on LH.